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Re: CHANGED FORMAT? Boooooooooo.....

Wed, Jan 31 2018 6:10 AM (6 replies)
  • stan401
    2 Posts
    Sun, Dec 24 2017 2:21 PM

    For those of us with a healthy reserve of coins it hardly matters but your format change is a terrible idea for most players. For those who love playing head to head your options just got severely limited. The only 9 hole option game is Shanghai which costs 50,000 coins to play and unless your really good it is likely you will lose.Than you have a couple of other rooms changed to one hole/Tie breakers that are limiting to most players who can' afford to risk playing.Your reason is that it speeds up the game and gives more players opportunities for apparel? WORST IDEA EVER!!!  If you bothered to poll the players you might find this idea was not well thought out and you wouldn' be risking losing more players. And yes their is always single player games but that gets old after awhile.Sorry to see the thinking behind this wonderful game go downhill because of a poor choice in direction and after all the time I have spent playing it may be time to move on. PITY...

  • Rick6208
    2,268 Posts
    Sat, Dec 30 2017 6:10 PM

    I agree! If you wanted to make one hole rooms than do it but leave the original rooms alone!

    just add more rooms!

  • 53Ray
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jan 2 2018 7:14 PM

    stan401 I couldn't agree with you more.  Was there any consultation with players before this change?  I just clicked on the Play Now a few days ago and was very surprised to see the new format.  Do we need a mass protest to be organized?  If so, count me in.

    On a slightly different topic, do you know anything about how the weekly rankings are formulated.  Under the old format only once did I ever see how I had performed on the 3 hole play, and saw that it was not how many games you lost, but how many coins you won over the week.  I played the 1 hole completion last week and won more games than I ever did with the 3 hole game, and yet was lowered to an "easier level."  I can't figure out what gives and how the decisions are made.  Any help, or reference to who can help answer would be appreciated.  Thank you,  53Ray

  • Gauchosean
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jan 29 2018 12:30 PM

    I filed a complaint and they said all the players wanted 1 hole games... Everyone I have chatted with says they don't. Why can't there be both? 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Jan 29 2018 4:48 PM

    For those of us with a healthy reserve of coins it hardly matters but your format change is a terrible idea for most players. For those who love playing head to head your options just got severely limited. The only 9 hole option game is Shanghai which costs 50,000 coins to play and unless your really good it is likely you will lose.Than you have a couple of other rooms changed to one hole/Tie breakers that are limiting to most players who can' afford to risk playing.Your reason is that it speeds up the game and gives more players opportunities for apparel? WORST IDEA EVER!!!  If you bothered to poll the players you might find this idea was not well thought out and you wouldn' be risking losing more players. And yes their is always single player games but that gets old after awhile.Sorry to see the thinking behind this wonderful game go downhill because of a poor choice in direction and after all the time I have spent playing it may be time to move on. PITY...

    Nice rant. See post below from January 18.

    By the way, two suggestions: (1) embrace paragraph  breaks (they're awesome!), and (2) check the forums before going off on a rant. Both of those tend to be beneficial. :-)


    Hi everyone. As you know, we recently changed the mobile coin room format due to player feedback about wanting to making games quicker. This changed most rooms that were 9 hole down to 3 hole, and 3 hole rooms down to 1 hole. Since then we have certainly heard from many of you that you either like or don't like the new format. 

    We have taken that feedback and created a solution that we hope will satisfy everyone. Most of the rooms will be changing back to the number of holes they were prior to the update and we will be adding some new 1-hole rooms for those of you who like the fast play of a single hole game. One shot Closest-To-The-Hole tie-breakers will remain after the change. 

    We expect that we will have this update out before the end of the month, however our planned dates for releases often change due to unforeseen circumstances. Still, keep an eye out for this change over the next two weeks. 

    If you have any questions or want to say nice things about me, or want to post pictures of your dog (please post pictures of your dog), comment on this thread or leave me a wall comment or private message.


    UPDATE: It sounds like as of now the update that would change the number of holes in coin rooms will take a bit longer and should be out by the second week of February. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2018 5:15 AM

    Changes are now in effect.  Coin rooms have been changed back, and 2 more added. (Tokyo  and Rio) .  Added effects for balls, but haven't seen them yet.  

  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Wed, Jan 31 2018 6:10 AM
