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Re: Tour Pro Promotion at Lvl 45 and Sandbagging

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Sat, Dec 30 2017 8:15 AM (2 replies)
  • dblmikeusa1
    77 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 9:01 AM

    Ok, so did I just play well a few times to get promoted to that tier so early?  Or are there people who just don't play the right game modes to promote higher or purposely sandbag?

    I have come across some in the 70, 80, 90 range who are tour pro, but I'm level 45 and Tour pro.


    Have I hurt myself or is it game on, so step my game up?

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Fri, Dec 29 2017 12:29 PM

    Ok, so did I just play well a few times to get promoted to that tier so early?  Or are there people who just don't play the right game modes to promote higher or purposely sandbag?
    Yes and yes!

    On PC, by not playing good scores or playing not much strokeplay, one can stay in low tiers. You played the necessary 20 rounds exactly as a Pro and sport a 70 average - enough to become promoted.


    With your next stroke game, your average will be reset for the next adventure ride!

    You will suceed as a TP, same tracks, faster greens. At Master, the longer tracks will be more demanding. Our hosts planned it that way to give us reason to buy some equipment ;)

    Your's looks perfectly o.k. though!

  • dblmikeusa1
    77 Posts
    Sat, Dec 30 2017 8:15 AM

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have definitely noticed faster greens and my club/ball combo is not as effective, thus meter speed and spin have become more important than ever because I cannot seem to hold a green as well.

    I am currently "shopping" for a new equipment package to suit the increased difficulty, so I welcome the challenge.