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Re: Things you can't google...;0

Thu, Mar 1 2018 11:26 PM (87 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Feb 8 2018 6:41 AM

    Don't want your balls.

    You'll have to learn to differentiate between serious and tongue in cheek posts....

    When I set a comp, there's NO caveat that says I have to like or respect the winner.


  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Feb 8 2018 2:40 PM

    You'll have to learn to differentiate between serious and tongue in cheek posts....


    See WGT..I'm slowly gettin the posting guidelines :D

    Only take 2 days of abstinence to achieve it

    Ennoblement comes to those who learn better ways (you can quote me on that) it's an original

    Tributes for all


    As for answering the rest of it....

    I'll take a pass, what I have to say, could be construed as argumentative....

    A tiger never changes its stripes, nor should it ever be expected to...

    Which reminds me of an old story, my Grandfather taught me, while very young.

    I am sure you will enjoy it.


                    The Scorpion & the Turtle

    One day, a scorpion was going about finding a new home, as he was not happy where he was. Wink Wink.  Trudging along, it crested a hill, and saw the most magnificent place to reside.

    As it hurried along its way, down the valley, it came upon a stream. He walked up, & down the banks, looking for dry place to cross, as scorpions can not swim.

    Up & down, getting angrier as he went along. Finally it spots a turtle, sitting on a rock, in the middle of the stream.

    The scorpion yelled to the turtle, "turtle, come over here". The turtle responded, "I can hear you just fine, from here, what do you want"?

    "I need to cross the stream, so that I may live in peace, NOD, NOD, on the other side, and I can not swim. I need your help. If you let me sit on your back, you can take me across".

    "No way" said the turtle. "You will sting me & I will die".

    No I won't, said the scorpion, "for If I do, I will sink into the water and die also".

    The turtle found some sound reasoning, in the scorpions plea.

    "Okay", said the turtle. The turtle swam to the shore, & told the scorpion to, "climb aboard".

    Excited to be on its way across the stream, the scorpion forgot his promise, and BAM!

    It stung the turtle in the neck. As the poison took its toll on the turtle, it looked back, as it was sinking, and said,"WHY,WHY DID YOU KILL US BOTH?

    The scorpion replied,


    Thus is the story of the Scorpion & the Turtle.

    I hope you enjoyed todays nap time story.

    I will be getting back to my rock now ;-))

    Awe, Okay, since you adore my elucidations so much, 1 more, just for you


    A Bull gave chase to a Mouse which had bitten him in the nose: but the Mouse was too quick for him and slipped into a hole in a wall. The Bull charged furiously into the wall again and again until he was tired out, and sank down on the ground exhausted with his efforts. When all was quiet, the Mouse darted out and bit him again. Beside himself with rage he started to his feet, but by that time the Mouse was back in his hole again, and he could do nothing but bellow and fume in helpless anger. Presently he heard a shrill little voice say from inside the wall, "You big fellows don't always have it your own way, you see: sometimes we little ones come off best."

    The battle is not always to the strong.





  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 5:48 AM

    Thus is the story of the Scorpion & the Turtle

    A tiger never changes its stripes,

    I don't really get it, but you must be wrong ;/

    See, I'm a leopard so...

    Oh wait a min........


  • HenryKawa
    1,724 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2018 9:13 AM

    Mahalo!  I am sitting at the Sheraton Hotel in sunny Waikiki, Honolulu.  Its beautiful here and warmer than Canada which is -30.  Talk to you'all you when I get back in 2 weeks.  I should have stayed longer (I do have the cash as I am a multi-millionaire).  A lady stopped me on the beach and told me I am very good looking.. wow, I was not expecting that!  As you all know I am very intelligent also.  So looks like I have EVERYTHING going for me.  Smart - rich - good looking!  What else is there?

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Thu, Mar 1 2018 8:38 PM

    ... modest ?

    ; )


  • HenryKawa
    1,724 Posts
    Thu, Mar 1 2018 10:43 PM


    ... modest ?

    ; )


    I am very modest

  • IJACK21
    49 Posts
    Thu, Mar 1 2018 10:59 PM


    1 -  Let's face it: after Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says ''WTF.''


    2 - I'm sure this also has happened to all of us at one time or another:

    A person uses his or her cell phone to call up a company for information. Instead of getting a person to talk to, they gets a recording which tells them to press 1 for English. The person then thinks to his or her self...... 



    IJACK21   ha, ah, ah, ah......LOL

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Thu, Mar 1 2018 11:26 PM




    ... modest ?

    ; )


    I am very modest

    .. after just losing to the man himself, I can confirm he is indeed.

    I think I was starstruck

