I have a Ping Tour W 64 level 42 - hitting to a flat green with a Tour SD ball, the club generates enough backspin to stop in a few inches. It took me a while to realize that, applying backspin to this club would generate ferocious spin but at the cost of flight distance.
If you had lesser results with a level 29, it may have to do with the balls you are using. My 64 will stop a practice ball but needs a notch or two of backspin to do it.
Any club hit on to a very fast green with a downhill slope will have trouble holding unless you have an expensive spin ball - To get the best idea of how yours performs, play a practice round on St. Andrews with tournament speed greens and just keep chipping on and off the greens until you get a feel for it. Vary the amount of backspin you apply and see how it affects the roll on a flat part of the green. Try the same amount to a downhill slope and an uphill slope and see the difference the green imparts to the roll.