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Flop Shots with Cleveland Wedges are.....(one word)

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Thu, Aug 16 2012 7:49 AM (7 replies)
  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 5:40 PM


  • PGAbound67
    565 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 6:13 PM

    Agreed....and scary too. The first flop I hit with the 64* was on St.Andrews #2 to the right pin. I had 17yd, fairly strong left to right wind and lined it up with full backspin at 18yd landed pin high and spun back 5yds....It was in match play against BartMania, and we were both in shock.

  • RickBarenes
    215 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 6:47 PM

    Love mine first flop with it made birdie lol i own all the cleveland wedges great for blitz games

  • jordanisawesome
    620 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 6:48 PM

    Is that the high end lvl 78 clevelands or the lvl 29 clevelands? I have the lvl 29 once and it doesnt even spin the ball back, and my flop rolls 2 or more yards.

  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 7:13 PM


    Is that the high end lvl 78 clevelands or the lvl 29 clevelands? I have the lvl 29 once and it doesnt even spin the ball back, and my flop rolls 2 or more yards.

     I have the high level ones, they stop on a dime for most of my flop shots, there are some holes that they will roll a little.....STA 14, Kaiwah 7 to think of a few but for the most part they stop on a dime.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 7:19 PM



    How true.... I have the top 64 Wedge, Just great for the short 10-20 yarders.

    Must admit the other C/Wedges I had trouble controlling them and had to give em up, but the 64 C/Wedge is just Awesome.



  • RickBarenes
    215 Posts
    Sat, Jun 18 2011 7:24 PM


    Is that the high end lvl 78 clevelands or the lvl 29 clevelands? I have the lvl 29 once and it doesnt even spin the ball back, and my flop rolls 2 or more yards.

    yes they do i can get them to stop once in a while but good for blitz games on certain courses

  • ArthMawr
    34 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 7:49 AM

    I have a Ping Tour W 64 level 42 - hitting to a flat green with a Tour SD ball, the club generates enough backspin to stop in a few inches. It took me a while to realize that, applying backspin to this club would generate ferocious spin but at the cost of flight distance.

    If you had lesser results with a level 29, it may have to do with the balls you are using. My 64 will stop a practice ball but needs a notch or two of backspin to do it.

    Any club hit on to a very fast green with a downhill slope will have trouble holding unless you have an expensive spin ball - To get the best idea of how yours performs, play a practice round on St. Andrews with tournament speed greens and just keep chipping on and off the greens until you get a feel for it. Vary the amount of backspin you apply and see how it affects the roll on a flat part of the green. Try the same amount to a downhill slope and an uphill slope and see the difference the green imparts to the roll.