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Re: Adobe Flash Update

Sun, Feb 11 2018 8:28 AM (15 replies)
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  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Thu, Feb 8 2018 1:29 AM

    I use the same version of CD that YJ uses. But there is a small problem if you din't already have that version with Adblock installed. Because it is such an old version the Chrome Store doesn't support it and you can't get Adblock. I tried to go straight to the Adblock owners web site but the link to install Adblock there redirects you to the Chrome store. This makes no sense to me at all. Google doesn't own Adblock but they get to decide who gets to use it of their browser is chrome based. So far I just use Privdog which is built into CD. It blocks some ads but not all. 

    Another very good Chrome based browser that I use as a backup to CD is SrWare Iron. I use version 23.0.1300.0 (170000) It runs NPAPI flash as well and works very well. But has the same Adblock problem as the older versions of CD not being supported bt the chrome store. 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Feb 8 2018 2:24 AM

    Ok, Thanks for the info.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Thu, Feb 8 2018 6:36 PM

    Im still using Maxthon Cloud 4.9.51000 and the update hasnt changed anything . Game still playing great and meter is just fine , So no complaints here at all to report .

  • Lesthanpar
    1,502 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 1:41 AM


    My Flash version is 4 years old. It ain't broke and it's staying that way.  :-)

    Agree I am a firm believer in if it aint broke don't fix it especially when it comes to this game and flash :-)


  • bob2putt
    1,289 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 1:02 PM
    The updates made me dump my current version of Maxthon and go way back and install version and it never updates and uses the older or newer versions of Flash just fine. Bob
  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Sun, Feb 11 2018 8:28 AM

    The updates made me dump my current version of Maxthon and go way back and install version and it never updates and uses the older or newer versions of Flash just fine. Bob

    How can a flash update make you change browsers? You probably just needed to switch cores. Some updates run better with the ultra core and some run better with the Retro core, Are you sure your Maxthon never updated? Mine updated yesterday without any input from me and when it did it switched the core back to Ultra.

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