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Re: Nike Balls

Wed, Apr 25 2018 5:39 PM (37 replies)
  • gerryniswonger
    1,890 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2018 9:52 AM

    ??????? Nike balls are still in Pro Shop.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2018 10:14 AM

    Gerry, its wgt. The downtime will be tonight. Today the 24 goes all the way until 12:00 midnight.

    I just would like to know what the big secret is on what this B I G improvement will be.

    If it's going to be taking the game to Steam, just say it. We all know these things take time, and probably not materialize until sometime in 2019. 

    I for one am all for it, everyone starts out fresh, it will stop all the gossip, I'm even for stopping the credit issue. 

    I am very excited for the new WGT to come into play. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2018 10:19 AM

    Today the 24 goes all the way until 12:00 midnight.

    Apparently you figured out what tomorrow means.

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2018 11:36 AM

    well ive just stocked up with me Nikes,

    im hoping they dont put up a fire sale later.

    if so ive been done like a kipper  :)


  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2018 12:08 PM


    well ive just stocked up with me Nikes,

    im hoping they dont put up a fire sale later.

    if so ive been done like a kipper  :)


    you do know    wgt is just trying to make next weeks pay roll ....... don't be wgts fools .... wait and see what comes next





  • MikeHD
    89 Posts
    Tue, Apr 24 2018 12:09 PM

    My money is on nothing much will change.
    Nike balls will be replaced by something similar.
    Changing a line of computer code is not expensive.
    Pissing off your customers so that say maybe 20% of them stop playing is.
    So no major changes to the balls and the BIG news is that WGT specials are available but might cost just a little bit more or don't last quite so long.

  • RickRR
    125 Posts
    Wed, Apr 25 2018 12:37 PM

    Today is April 25, 2018, and I just replaced my Nike RZN Lvl 81 ball with a TaylorMade TP5x Lvl 81 ball. Same amount of credits, same distance, spin, durability and same meter. Unfortunately the same bad outcome. lol I am not a good player, but I got the same ball at the same cost. I think they just update the ball selection, I saw some Titleist also but way out of my price range. But you do have some cool selections now since Nike will be gone soon.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Wed, Apr 25 2018 5:39 PM

    I took the plunge, and tried the top, non vapor Titleist.   Nice meter speed, but that's all, played best of 5, drives averaged about 5 extra yards in length. Spin I noticed no difference, maybe a little with the wedges.  Wind didn't seem to make much noticeable difference in fligh. 

    If meter speed is a factor for you, then might be worth the money, but when this sleeve is gone, probably won't purchase again.