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Re: Chat options

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Mon, Jan 26 2015 11:18 PM (4 replies)
  • mattgolffan1
    283 Posts
    Sun, Oct 4 2009 6:42 AM

    i think they should add a chat box so you can talk to your friends when you log in..90% of the time i'm playin a round with some1 and get an invite from a friend and have to decline...i think it would be nice so you could chat to your friends and let them know that you are in a round or whatever your doing and you will invite them later.if your in a tourny it dont show your friends online what would it hurt to add a chat box to talk to your friends at any other point.just have a seperate dropdown box when your playin a round next to menu/friends/invites/chat.does anyone else agree with me on this?

  • gaoerfuqiu
    443 Posts
    Sun, Oct 4 2009 6:47 AM

    Hi Matt, this is a topic that has been discussed many times before. Check out the search box on the top right portion of your screen for threads with a lot of detailed information. WGT has said that in future releases they will revise their game to make changes similar to what you have suggested. Hope this helps. Thanks and good luck.

  • RustyBlades1
    9 Posts
    Mon, Jan 26 2015 2:19 PM

    Your posts is dated 10/4/2009

    This is 26/1/2015  nearly 6 year and still nothing .

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jan 26 2015 9:05 PM
    Icon said recently that there were no plans to do this as you can download something that works better than anything they could produce. Skype, Ventrilo, Teamtalk and Raidcall all work pretty well.
  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Mon, Jan 26 2015 11:18 PM

    There are a few free chat box services, and they might not be the best option, but I found one that was cool to try.

    I went to:

    Then I made a chat room and I generated the code, then copied it (Option 3: HTML Text Link Code) and then made a post on my WGT homepage BLOG. I hit HTML and pasted the code*, now if someone clicks on the link a chat box will open.

    Again, this may not be the best option but it may be worth a try.



    I removed the beginning & end of the code (it's not needed) 

    The part of the code I deleted looks like this:

    <!-- Begin ParaChat Basic v9 Code -->

    <!-- End ParaChat Basic v9 Code -->

    Several chat room links may be created and placed in these forum posts. Maybe some chat rooms could specific for Match, Alt, some for Blitz, etc. games. Maybe a dedicated room for newbie's questions or general tips would be created.

    Perhaps someone will post a daily room in the WGT forums for people to talk/meet. The downside is that, unlike some other chat room services e.g. 'Chatzy' there may not be adequate moderation options, and some derps are likely to drop in.