There are a few free chat box services, and they might not be the best option, but I found one that was cool to try.
I went to:
Then I made a chat room and I generated the code, then copied it (Option 3: HTML Text Link Code) and then made a post on my WGT homepage BLOG. I hit HTML and pasted the code*, now if someone clicks on the link a chat box will open.
Again, this may not be the best option but it may be worth a try.
I removed the beginning & end of the code (it's not needed)
The part of the code I deleted looks like this:
<!-- Begin ParaChat Basic v9 Code -->
<!-- End ParaChat Basic v9 Code -->
Several chat room links may be created and placed in these forum posts. Maybe some chat rooms could specific for Match, Alt, some for Blitz, etc. games. Maybe a dedicated room for newbie's questions or general tips would be created.
Perhaps someone will post a daily room in the WGT forums for people to talk/meet. The downside is that, unlike some other chat room services e.g. 'Chatzy' there may not be adequate moderation options, and some derps are likely to drop in.