Andy; if you're talking about Slor's Country Club League (which I assume you are given the details provided), you'll find that Slor is British (the person organising the event - member of English Lakes CC; only British players included bar one person), Kam4122 is British (also a member of ELCC) and DoctorTom who is also yep........ British (member of the Yellow Brick Road CC - also owned by someone who is British).
I think that's about as far away you can get as being "judged" by people from the US. Trust me, Slor will do everything to include any CC's who want to sign-up for the tournament. There will inevitably be teams who do not come back following last season, and I'm sure if there is sufficient demand, he will simply add in further divisions where your CC will be placed to ensure even competition throughout the event.
If you're talking about another CC League, then ignore everything I've just written lol