I just wanted to clear something up here.
You should always try to hit the center white line on the swing meter. Hitting the center line represent the player properly executing the swing, also know as a good ball strike. Now as we all know in golf a good ball striker does not always mean a good result or a good golfer. But at least you struck the ball cleanly.
Now depending on the type of shot you choose and the clubs you are using there is some variability in the result of a perfect swing, and despite the common lore in the forums there is no "situational" variability. Just like real life some clubs are just more consistent than others when you strike it pure.
Hitting off the center line increases the variability of the ball and club interaction responding to the different club designs. This is why you see that some clubs are either more or less forgiving as you miss the center line. A good general rule is that the further away from the center line you hit the more unpredictable your ball flight will be in direction, height and distance.
Since you should always aim for the center line, you need to adjust your aim, power, club selection and swing type to modify the distance, roll and other characteristics.
Purposely hitting off the center line will cause your game to be very unpredictable.