Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Old and new
Embrace what’s new, innovative, enlightening and useful. But don’t throw out all that’s old just to do so.
You can benefit from what’s novel as well as from what’s proven. A concept, an idea, a process does not necessarily lose value over time.
By the same token, just because you’ve done something a certain way forever, doesn’t mean it’s the best way. Many things are worth keeping, many are worth adopting, and many others have no place being started or maintained.
Don’t let your judgment become overly biased by how old or new anything is. Focus more on quality, integrity, elegance, beauty, and utility.
Give your respect and appreciation to what’s proven. Be receptive to what’s innovative.
Much value continues to echo from the past, and more value is being created now that will endure far into the future. Whether it’s old or new, recognize and put to good use all the great value life makes available to you.
— Ralph Marston