Monday, March 10, 2025
Decide to be empowered
Much of what happens is beyond your control. Yet you can always decide how to feel about it, and what to do about it.
If you feel lousy, it’s not because of a particular circumstance. It’s
because you’ve interpreted that circumstance as something to feel lousy
Imagine the power of interrupting that dynamic. That power is yours whenever you decide to use it.
You have an enormous amount of work to do, limited time to do it, and
must contend with distractions from every direction. That’s a reasonable
excuse to feel sorry for yourself.
Yet it’s also a powerful opportunity to exercise control over your
feelings and intention over your actions. You can replace the sorrow
with enthusiasm and transform the unfortunate situation into valuable
No matter how it comes to you, today is what you make of it. Decide to
feel empowered by that fact, and do something good and useful with your
— Ralph Marston