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Re: Andyson Memorial Tournament 2018?

Fri, Jun 29 2018 3:18 AM (113 replies)
  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2018 7:52 AM

    The Andyson Memorial Tournament for 2018

    I'm in for a gift or 2.

    Thank you shedlite for taking this on. It is a HUGE responsibility but in the end everyone benefits. Especially YOU. 

  • Shedlite
    917 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 7:47 PM

    I've been thinking of a way to allow mobile players to participate. As of right now they can enter for stroke play but match play they can not do. I thought about a side by side  stroke play tournament, but as there is no way to verify they played round using mobile I rule that out. Could make a single stroke play tournament for all to enter but match play is what wins the andyson memorial trophy.

    Here is what I came up with. (and with only 6 days left till sign up)

    Mobile players will have to state they are playing mobile and must have the ability/know how to post a screen capture of their score card (as will any PC player who plays them in elimination rounds)

    stroke play rounds remain same 1st score shown in score history, in week of round of course is score (and must match score posted in andyson stroke play thread

    elimination rounds-  would be much like stroke play round first score of that course in play history would be the one that counts any mobile players in it and their opponent would then play a stroke play ranked round of the course and post their scorecards. I could then determine who wins holes and determine a winner, in the event scorecards show AS after 9 I will determine winner on who wins a certain hole(if score cards are identical -same score every hole ,then a coin flip will determine winner)

    Its not the same as match play but i think it could work so any input from past players or mobile players interested in playing as to their thoughts would be appreciated



  • twinponds169
    3,028 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 8:34 PM

    Its not the same as match play but i think it could work so any input from past players or mobile players interested in playing as to their thoughts would be appreciated

    PaulTon has come back a bit after a long absence, he may see this and have some input to offer you.

  • Shedlite
    917 Posts
    Fri, Jun 29 2018 3:18 AM

    I'm hoping he see's this and wants to take over lol but if not I will plan to continue :o)