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Re: King Tuten-ur-own-horn-um

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jun 12 2018 8:13 AM (2 replies)
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2018 6:55 PM

    I very rarely venture out of this arena, into other forums. I don't have the inclination, or the time to do so.

    Due to recent events, I sauntered out to a thread today, and saw a repeat of the reason, the one in here was taken down.

    I have seen many disorders in my time. By definition alone, I have never seen the likes of the one in here.

    99.9% of all his posts are argumentative, malicious, malevolent, combative, disrespectful, repugnant, misanthropic prating.

    Being on the receiving end lately of his heinous acts, let me tell you all what I observed.

    A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior aligned with a lack of conscience.

    Simply stated in one word, a SOCIOPATH!

    Below is just a scraping of the surface, of depths unknown that they will sink to.

    Starts off by gaining trust with a benign statement...


    I do my best to respect everyone .

    His best, manifests itself quickly into opprobrium, below...

      It is a shame though that this GR8 thread had to be interrupted and derailed so severely by you all .

    Unknowingly, includes himself in the spiteful depravation.

    Then unwittingly levitates his CC and himself, only to slam head long into ignominy.

      The only forum I have ever seen the extreme degree of degenerates that we have in WGT is here .

    Yet here you are...

    Continuous use of demeaning language, in its simplest forms, and is consistently allowed to do so.

    After expounding about the many times he has been chastened, he openly continues to harangue all, at will. There is no place sacred, from his incessant addlebrained loathing of all. 

    Why is this allowed to continue?

    I vaguely remember reading in the T&C's, to much posting is unfavorably looked upon.

    He has the right to remain silent, perhaps he should exercise it, or have it exercised for him.





  • dchallenger
    545 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2018 10:52 PM

    I made it about 20% through the above ramblings befor i was 

                       BORED TO DEATH

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2018 8:13 AM


    Have to agree. Except for the part about making it to about 20%. I don't think I quite got there. ;-) 

    Additionally, when someone is starting threads about other posters, I have to wonder: Who is in whose head?