# 10 Olympic punch shot with driver full B/S leaves you in the fairway no more than 135 to the pin and often much closer.
I'll go try that now...
Immediate thought is " gonna t*wat every branch " with the R/L wind..;))
We'll see.....
EDIT1.. What are the chances..5 L/R winds so far..
Thank fook it's the 1st hole ;))
ED2 1st punch drive, very edge of the gap in tree...hit the trunk it seems so might go through ?? replay.aspx?ID=91991964 e258 4989 bee8 a90a00e106b9
ED3 aimed in between the gap in trees on left..replay.aspx?ID=76c9f924 b09b 4be1 b6c4 a90a00e1f43f NOPE!
ED4 Aimed ON the trunk of the tree in the gap...replay.aspx?ID=2abb0c4f da6b 4e0f af18 a90a00e2bf00
No way a drive punch even gets near the hole in the trees...the loft takes it into the BAD stuff !!!
Sorry BTB..on a par with your "does the putt % count in MP?" question ;)))