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Re: Clash Prizes Need to Improve

Thu, Jun 28 2018 11:54 AM (26 replies)
  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 5:19 AM

    I would not give up my Sabretooth putter for anything. 

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 5:28 AM

    @ Daridan (OP)

    WGT wont change it mate and they are on a good thing so why should they.

    Buying passes and excessive ball use from some of these clubs is hilarious and all to win a putter that is no better than the Sabretooth. Lots of the top players here do not play Clash and have earnings that the Clash club players would die for.....and not a Golden Putter in sight.

    You can win course builders, then bash away at that also to increase your XP....Oh and use your  sleeves up as even that prize was a money earner.

  • alosso
    21,081 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 6:37 AM

    Yes, but we have a lot of faithful members, who once receiving a gold putter, have remained and continue to Clash to get the next member one as well.


    Honestly, some CC would probably have to put up a million Clash points to take us down. We totally coast in every Clash because we don't have to put in a big effort to still win.

    I acknowledge your efforts and your success, but I'm sure it's not the GC motivating you as a CC.

    Have fun!

  • callaghan159
    6,396 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 7:37 AM

    The players who join our CC and never play in the Clashes are deleted at some point in time and replaced with members who will.  Nobody is ever expected to buy CC passes for Clashes, although many do so.

    I play every clash, if only a few games. When I was a member of the G, I was one who donated passes to the tune of at least 2000+ credits each and every clash  just for some one could get the GP. I was denied over newer members only because I spoke my mind. I say you have to be a puppet in that club as other senior members have left with no GP as well. I am very happy I am where I am and not there.

  • Nancy1959
    7,348 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 8:52 AM

    It's changed since you were here Brian.  For example, our owner doesn't even select the winner of the GP. any longer....rather it is selected by a simple vote where every member gets a vote. The whole atmosphere is different now.

  • callaghan159
    6,396 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 11:01 AM


    It's changed since you were here Brian.  For example, our owner doesn't even select the winner of the GP. any longer....rather it is selected by a simple vote where every member gets a vote. The whole atmosphere is different now.

    Pffft. Ok. Good luck and have fun, stay safe

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, Jun 28 2018 11:54 AM


    at least 2000+ credits each and every clash 

    Well can i thank you and others like you on behalf of all of us who are so much looking forward to Wolf Creek, without you credit burners heavily financing WGT, then we may never have had it to look forward to.