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Clash Prizes Need to Improve

Thu, Jun 28 2018 11:54 AM (26 replies)
  • Daridan
    12 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2018 10:44 AM

    WGT would get a lot move participation in Clashes and in turn make a lot more money if Clash prizes were better. Max CC putter to the top spot (Georgian), 12 Balls to 2nd and 6 balls to 3rd. That’s it. Not 12 balls to each participant in the team that came in 2nd, just 12 total that is then handed out by the club owner. Nothing for any other club except a few passes. 

    My recommendation is to improve Clash prizes, such as Clash logo balls for the top 20 clubs participating, custom apparel only available in Clashes, get creative on other perks that would encourage people to play. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,956 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2018 2:10 PM


  • Daridan
    12 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2018 3:17 PM

    Obviously this has not been brought up enough since nothing has changed. Is the only and inevitably end result to stop playing Clashes since the is absolutely no benefit in playing them?

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2018 4:39 PM

    Yes , It has been brought up many times over the past couple of years,  They added the balls to 2nd and 3rd place , I guess they think that would be enough .  It use to be just the golden putter .  I have found that WGT does not take suggestions very well .  I sent them a full page of suggested improvements and I remember a thread that was about 10 pages with good ideas .

    They did respond to my letter and said thanks .  lol

    It is what it is , I gave up trying to help them make more money . But I still love the game and play everyday , I'm on 1215 days consecutive .  


  • Daridan
    12 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2018 7:33 PM

    So, if there are 10,000 people who play in Clashes, and the average spend for passes and balls is $5.00, that would be $50,000 profit to WGT per Clash every 2 weeks, or $1,200,000 per year. I would think if they are making over a million a year on one aspect of this game, they would be interested in improving it. On the flip side, if we all boycott Clashes, the loss in revenue should force then to do something. I go with the “Boycott Clashes” until things change. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,956 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 11:00 AM


  • Robert1893
    7,728 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 11:54 AM

    On the flip side, if we all boycott Clashes, the loss in revenue should force then to do something. I go with the “Boycott Clashes” until things change. 

    Well, there's the thing: you'll never get everyone to boycott. It's a classic collective action problem. 

    Leaving aside the impossibility of the following premise, let's say you get everyone to agree to a boycott. Then the clash starts. At first, no one plays. But then one club thinks, "Gosh, with no one playing, we only have to play one event, and we can win the golden putter."

    Once that happens, then everyone starts playing again. And the reality is that thought process starts even before the clash begins. Like I said: classic collective action problem. While a few may boycott, the overwhelming majority of people will play as they normally would because they won't believe others will honor the boycott. 

  • alosso
    21,081 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 2:09 PM

    You can boycott something with the intention to change it. Not a winning thought here, because common action is hard to pursue and the company is unlikely to change anything on third party will - you will probably only get bloody heads from banging on their walls!

    I like the thought better to take the game as it is and decide on my own how to handle it. Fun in the game - I invest Euros and play; no fun - no play.

    I used to be an avid A/S player, but bad meter performance and rising discons took the fun out - discontinued.

    I used to pursue my CDP - once 500 days and several times over 100. Not fun any more - cancelled.

    But I still like the odd solo game - thus I stay here.

    Those who like the Clash race should play and those who dislike it, do something else, like me.

    Man up and search the fun!

  • TopShelf2010
    10,956 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 2:26 PM


  • Nancy1959
    7,348 Posts
    Tue, Jun 26 2018 10:45 PM

    If you can't beat us, join us.  I mean, what I'm trying to say is that if a Gold Putter is what you are after, you know where to join as we want to get one for every member!    :)
