Adjusting Wind Offset :
To adjust the wind offset for a wind direction of 9 o'clock ①, locate that value in the wind direction column ②. Click on the cell immediately to the right of that ③, and then go up to the formula bar ④. The 100 value in the formula is the one to be adjusted, try going up or down by 5-10 to start with. Increasing it will reduce the wind offset yardage and decreasing it will increase the yardage.
In some of the wind direction formulas, this divisor is 200, but the method used to tweak the wind offset yardage is the same.
Tweaking Adjusted Distance :
To tweak the shot distance for a wind direction of 9 o'clock ①, again locate that value in the wind direction column ②, and go to the cell in the distance factor column on the same row ③. Change the value in that cell to adjust the adjusted distance yardage. The value in the cell only needs to be adjusted in small amounts, adding or subtracting 0.001 from the current value in the cell should only change the adjusted distance by one or two yards, but this will vary depending on the wind direction value for the current shot.
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