SweetiePie91:Can I ask you something Jim? I understand you play golf IRL but on what level? When did you take a lesson and from who?
I hack now but didn't used to, plain and simple. The elite level in my day was nothing like that of today. Age takes its toll on you and you have to adjust. The short game is where you have to get good to compensate for not hitting 300 yard bombs any more. The lessons came a long, long time ago and haven't been forgotten. By your own admission it is the old way and infinitely more controllable, IMO. I'm not the one struggling to understand here-go try it for yourself Ms. 3.5 hdcp. (Must be important to include 1/2 stroke. LOL-I bet you really smack down a 4.0.)
SweetiePie91:So dont talk to me like I dont know a ***.
If disagreeing with you is talking to you like you don't know whatever was censored you might consider looking at why you think that. I've responded to your simpleton questions about this game since you started asking them a month ago when you joined instead of telling you to just search for them over there---->. You're welcome.
SweetiePie91:I bet you are doing the exact same thing in the bunker, aiming left with feet and right with clubhead? Does the ball starts right from bunker too around the greens here?
Stick to RL or the game here. IRL I don't flop from the sand but I do here because it's what works, just like pitching does which is the RL shot for me. Zero problems getting out of the sand in either place and yes, the flop here does take off to the right out of the sand.
My advice to new players has always been to play this game like you would IRL. Think the same, strategize the same, play the same shots and play smart. That all starts by learning the limitations of the game. Given those limitations, I think this is the closest thing to the real game I have ever seen-very real.