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Re: Anyone have an answer

rated by 0 users
Thu, Aug 2 2018 5:40 AM (7 replies)
  • David14700
    6 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 6:13 AM

    I have noticed something going on with my scoring average. At times when under par rounds scored the average never changes, even after repeated posts. When it does change it's by 1/10 points. Yet score a even or +1 and it jumps up. This is normal now. This is going on for weeks. Answers ?

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 8:39 AM


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 8:57 AM

    At times when under par rounds scored the average never changes, even after repeated posts. When it does change it's by 1/10 points. Yet score a even or +1 and it jumps up

    This will happen until you post 500 ranked rounds as a Legend, Par 5 and Par 3 courses excluded. When you get to that 500 round number, your average will only go down as you begin the tedious process of eliminating the high scores with lower ones until you get to a 60 average and then you get to do it all over at the TL stage. That's only 200 rounds to saturate but the process is the same until you get to a 59 average.

    This also takes longer than what you've seen in previous tiers because of that 500 number. The saturation number in the TM tier was considerably less (50?) so you reached it quicker. And while your average doesn't drop fast right now, after you saturate it'll drop like a rock.  :-)

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 9:06 AM

    At times when under par rounds scored the average never changes, even after repeated posts.

    without knowing the exact scores, we are merely left to speculate... but it sounds as though you could have a round below par 72 that is also not significantly below your scoring average of 70.42, such that it can lower your average....also, scores posted on custom courses, par 3 and par 5 courses do not effect your scoring average so you will not see your WGT average move even when shooting below par.  for example shooting 40 on the BOP5 as you did earlier will not change your average at all.

    also over time the more scores posted the harder and slower it takes to bring your average down...  however if you end up shooting a round below 30 on 9 holes or 60 on 18 you would clearly see a much larger shift to your scoring average... probably lower our average by .2 or .4 maybe along those lines.

    that being said... even once you reach saturation your scoring average looks like it is going to "weighted" higher by a lot of so so rounds in the mid 30's so it will take a rather long time to get all of those scores "replaced" with better scores which is what Saturation effectively does... but if you replace a 33 with a 31, the 31 will still also have to be replaced by an even better score of 29 or 30 eventually...  this is why some people inappropriately assume every score replaced is "automatically" replaced by a much lower score when in fact in could be replaced by a marginally lower score that also needs replaced eventually to be promoted...  It is why some legends can seemingly appear to linger so long in the Legend tier when they simply initially struggled with the adjustment to the back tees and posted a lot of marginal rounds...

    that said, even the old timers who have been around much longer than me will and can tell you eventually saturation can eventually catch up with anyone and everyone that plays enough rounds eventually...  it is partially why you can see such a diverse group of skill levels in the various tiers, including the Champion tier.  

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 9:09 AM

    Edit: Oops, I'm late to the party ;)


    First, don't use +/- Par when talking about average, rather use gross scores (nine hole scores are doubled).

    I'll replace "under Par" by 70 or 71, and "+1" by 73.

    You are a Legend with an average of 70.42. The last 200 scores shown in your score history are all Legend scores, regular courses with a few Par3s and a few more Par5s in between. These Par3 and Par5 scores do not count towards the average.

    Let's assume that you played 200 counting rounds as a Legend, meaning that your average ain't "saturated" (which comes with 500 Legend scores). Regardless of the actual number, your are below 500 because your average still rises on higher scores.

    Thus, a 70 score may drop your average by (70 - 70.42) / 201, which is about -0.002, invisible due to the display with two decimals.  Five of these scores would  just be visible as -0.01.

    A 73 score may cause (73-70.42)/201 = +0.013 - clearly visible

    The extreme scores of the last week are a 32 on CCC and a 39 on Pebble.

    The former may have resulted in (2x32 - 70.42) / 201 = -0.03 average change,
    the latter may have caused (2x39 - 70.42) / 201 = 0.03 average change.

    I call this "The miracle of the big numbers".

    A few tips:

    - Compare your scores to your average, not to Par.

    - Be patient as the growing denominator will cause the steps to become smaller.

    - Be double patient as you need 500 scores minimum to advance.

    - Don't care too much of your average now, as - I'm afraid - most of these scores will fall out of the count when you approach 60.000 - the threshold to Tour Legend. This is particularily true for those scores raising your average now. On the long run, they are irrelevant.

    Feel free to ask if you are out of practice in math ;)

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Aug 1 2018 10:26 AM

    Good use of actual numbers and write up #alosso... looks like several of us overlapped messages around the same time...

  • David14700
    6 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2018 5:35 AM

    Thanks all.  Was just not aware of the different tier requirements. All makes sense now.

  • David14700
    6 Posts
    Thu, Aug 2 2018 5:40 AM

    Learn something new every day. Thanks for the insight. All makes sense now, appreciate all the replies.