golfmax13: Like, if I had the exact line and speed for a putt with a ding would high precision push it offline more if I didn’t ding it. If I was a non-dinger then I would want lower precision and higher forgiveness. But I can’t believe that’s what the creators had in mind. Anyway, I’m going with high precision and high forgiveness in the future.
Accuracy is how close you got to the target you were aiming at.
Precision is how consistent your shots are: For example, you take 10 shots all aimed at the same place, how close are those shots bundled together. The smaller the spray footprint the more precise you are. Note: You can be precise but not accurate. Your gun shots are all bundled together (shooting precisely) but you have the gun aimed in the wrong direction (not accurate).
The club has a sweet spot, the ding line. The further you are from the ding line the less accurate you are going to be to the target. Extra forgiveness diminishes the effects of missing the ding line.
With respect to putting: if you are a ding putter, you want high precision and high forgiveness. If you are an off ding putter, you want high precision and lower forgiveness. Precision is always a good thing. There is a thread about precision tests with different club and putters.