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Re: Match Play & Skins

rated by 0 users
Fri, Aug 10 2018 9:23 AM (1 replies)
  • LennySkynyrd
    21 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2018 5:17 AM

    General observation & question...

    First & foremost, thank you for reading my post. Please note my inquiry is aimed at those who play/compete for credits (challenge modes) in the above subject. I don't "play-4-free", nor hit free equipment or balls...and, I don't belong nor play in CC tournaments. I am, in no way, suggesting there is anything wrong with those who do. It's just not for me. In many respects, I simply play this game for the thrill of competing against others in real time (much like someone who might plunk down some cheddar at a poker table in a casino). Unfortunately, I have noticed a trend that essentially started with the Adobe Flash issue about 45 days ago and then through the discontinuation of the Nike balls. So, here's the question....where has "everybody" gone? I can recall a time when you could easily slip into a Match or Skins Challenge (most notably, with those of similar skill sets). And now? It's like pulling teeth :-) For example, within the time frame noted above, I've noticed there are fewer of these/my friends who are green (available)...or who are playing at all. So, what is it? Is it the economy? WGT? Or, for those who know more than me about online I somehow lost in cyberspace where I lack the capability of connecting with others (sarc.)? Pick a time. Thursday evenings (EST), Friday nights, weekends. And, I can just sit there watching it search & search for no avail. For example, while writing this post, I have not been able to connect with anyone in these modes (except, of course, for the occasional TC level, 56 avg player whose looking to cash in on some easy credits). I'm just wondering if the recent flash issue and/or discontinuation of Nike balls had something to do with it (consequently, after hitting the L90 Titlest ball for a month now, it is this member's opinion it is no where close to the performance of the Nike L81 ball, for example). I do have to laugh though. While the game continually searches for others to play and I read at the top of the page "Millions and millions of members worldwide" (or something akin to that). That's when I start thinking, "Could I possibly be the only person on the entire planet looking for a Match or Skins Challenge?" :-) Again, just an observation...not necessarily a complaint or grousing.  


  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Fri, Aug 10 2018 9:23 AM

    It was easier to get a challenge  last year or before that , It is tough now days .  Probably many reasons ,  I know the last time I played a challenge match I got beat by Tour Pro or master , I cant remember exactly . But I got the feeling I was playing a restart / multi account user . That left a sour taste in my mouth .  I don't mind losing but I don't like to be cheated .

    My suggestion would be to send friend requests to some of the better players and ask them if they would be interested in playing for credits , Some do .  Its easier to gat a game with a friend than a stranger .  Perhaps post a thread in your CC and see if anyone is interested , You can even use the WGT forum . 

    We play skins challenges every sat morning in my CC . Just friendly wagers and friendly fun .  Not a lot of credits ,  10 or 20 per hole is good for us .   Keep it light .

    Good luck in your quest ,  If you want to play on sat. morning with us for small potatoes just let me know .