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Re: Hole information messages

Thu, Sep 6 2018 5:25 AM (2 replies)
  • pieper7
    2 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2018 1:01 PM

    Before every hole, there is a message with information re: approach, false fronts,  how many levels, etc. This information is helpful and prepares you for the hole. You know what side to hit towards and what side to avoid. 

    What is NOT helpful:

    1. Hole history: I don't need to know what happened. I don't need to know who won or lost, or who lost 2 balls.

    2. Hole changes: Seriously, WHO CARES? we were not there when it was different. We don't care if it used to be a par 3 and is now 4. 

    3. Misc: You can also leave off encouraging remarks (Good luck; etc); comments that might apply if you were actually playing on the course (wind comes in off the ocean, etc)

    I like this game, but some of the information on the message is like a television on a honeymoon: not necessary.


  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, Sep 6 2018 5:14 AM

    And that ladies n gents is his first post ....LOL Turn it off in options ,,,Thank God we have choices eh ?

  • pieper7
    2 Posts
    Thu, Sep 6 2018 5:25 AM

    Thx for your response.

    I admit I was clueless of the option to turn it off. Still, I am annoyed with inane info that someone truly believes is important and/or helpful and or meaningful.