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Re: Lip outs:

Thu, Feb 13 2020 10:59 PM (61 replies)
  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 12:29 PM



    You do you






  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Thu, Feb 13 2020 10:59 PM




    You do you






    There is no other option. No regrets!


    In fact, my username IS MY NAME !  

    You, too?   lmao

    Actually, it is WGT business idea, on paper, and this is how it has always looked.

    Occaum's razor, if you've read it and understood.

    Assignee: World Golf Tour of the program's patent, which I had a lawyer read, yet I always understood, and I'll quote just a few lines.
    'keep users challenged as their skill level improves' 
    'As a result, users are less likely to loose interest in a computer game. '  * wgt patent

    This is exactly what I said 'so you play another and another..'
    Logic tells us this is NOT how physics works IRL. There isn't a conspiracy of demigods in the sky giving you challenges as your skill level improves, in fact....
    It's the other way around. You are less challenged. That's why driving a car is easier for a 30 yr old than a 4 yr old!   lmao

    But, as I said in 'the pro-vem thread' (if you already read it) this may be an interesting feature for this game, and sometimes the putt that SHOULDN'T DROP will go in!
    But that's if you, in general, decide to spend more & more money on the game.

    Now if 'users are less likely to loose interest in a computer game. '  * wgt patent
    DO BALL SALES GO UP OR DOWN?  (rhetorical question)


    You can STILL continue to misinterpret what I and WGT have said. To be expected, as you don't READ or understand. 
    This is evident, I see, as more than one person in this thread have attributed QUOTES to 'wgt_champion' that THEY DIDN'T EVEN SAY! It's like the blind leading the blind.
    I'll take a screenshot of it for future comedy. 
    WGT patent
    puff puff pass