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Putting Meter

rated by 0 users
Wed, Oct 31 2018 12:01 PM (0 replies)
  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2018 12:01 PM

    I’ve been reading some of the threads to gain background information (relatively new to WGT [4months])  and have seen comments about the quirkiness of the putting meter. I’ve had two situations with the meter over the past two days and am maybe I’m missing something. Yesterday evening I had 4 birdie puts, all less than 6 ft, all relatively straight. All four putts ran over the hole, but finished dead center on the other side of the cup all within 12” of the cup. They definitely were not misses, they didn’t rim the cup, they went over the cup, but the ball didn’t drop and I was charged another stroke to complete the hole. So I’m there a disconnect between the screen visual and what actually occurs within the mobile app? Secondly, and this just happened again a few moments ago, while viewing the reverse image of the putt and tapping the camera to return to original viewing mode I hear a ding and see that I have been charged a stroke without even remotely touching the swing meter/button. This has happened to me before and my opponent tells me via chat “that happens sometimes”. Is there a method to avoid this? Mgmt suggests that I reboot and clear the cache, which I routinely do anyway. I am using the mobile app on an iPad Pro.
