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Re: Scores stats not recording on my profile page.

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 14 2018 1:56 PM (2 replies)
  • Pleasureman0
    10 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2018 12:21 PM

    Hi can anyone please help?

    Since the end of August 2018 my stats are not changing at all, when i play Match Play (in scored mode always) birdies, eagles and bogeys are not changing in my stats. In stats under putting nothing is changing when i have been putting really well for months.  

    It is the same when i play Alternate Shot, nothing is changing in stats when i make birdies, eagles and bogeys.

    Since the end of August 2018 i have a problem with my activity (at bottom of my profile page) . If i made an eagle it use to say Pleasureman0 made an eagle on hole #2 on KIAWAH ISLAND : THE OCEAN COURSE in my activity, it does not do this now.

    Also another problem with my activity is it does not say Pleasureman0 holed a shot from 82.48 yards when i do that shot. 

    It still does this in all other players activity. Can anyone please help me with these problems? Thank you in advance.

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2018 1:25 PM

    I believe it is the format you are playing in... not all ranked modes especially multiplayer rounds influence your individual stats and that is why you are not seeing them show up.  Go out and play a regular ranked round on a course and if you hole out, pitch in, make an eagle it will more than likely show up!  

    Sadly, not even a HIO during an AS game will show up in your stats, the only record of it is your friends being able to vouch for you. 

    Now, if you do so any of those in an individual ranked round and it still does not show up... you could try contacting customer support.  

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2018 1:56 PM

    I believe it is the format you are playing in... not all ranked modes especially multiplayer rounds influence your individual stats
    True and false, Nitpicker says.

    The format is decisive - matches + Blitz + CTTH + A/S don't count - but all ranked rounds DO count in solo or MP mode.

    Alas, Nitpicker says that only strokeplay rounds can be ranked (or practice), while matchplay is "rated" if not "challenge" oder practice.

    @Pleasureman: You've played no strokeplay since becoming a Legend, thus your average is still your final TM number, 61.00. The next strokeplay round (unless on Par3, Par5 or CC Custom) will start the Legend counting.