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Re: Love is lost. I wanna find it again!

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Wed, Jul 27 2011 1:31 AM (13 replies)
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  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 3:55 PM


     For me, this is my facebook. 

    Hahaha   mine too.   

    I have found some players on here that I get along with really well and would even try to meet up for a real life game with.  Besides that,  the other thing that keeps me coming back is >>>> I'm addicted to golf,,,,,there,,, I said it and the first step is admitting you have a problem.

    I would golf everyday IRL if I could afford it,   so when I cannot get out for real wgt is my fix.

    "find your happy-place"

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 5:05 PM

    Hi Ellis. I haven't been around for as long as you have on WGT but it's fair to say I'll have played as much as anyone during my time, excluding Spozz & Yoban.

    I go though days every single month where I shout, curse, thump, throw and all but stop short of taking a fit in my fury with myself and the game. I wake up the next day and the boredom/anger/frustration with the game has disappeared. I have no idea why? I have no idea why I have not consigned WGT to the been there, seen it, done it pile along with C.O.D, Empire Total War, Civilisation etc.

    WGT is a bit like Tomacco to me. Tomacco being what Homer Simpson produced when he accidently cross bred the tomato and the tobacco plant. Tomacco tasted like crap but they had to have another after trying it, lol.

    No matter how fed up with this game I may be on any given day, I keep coming back for more the following....

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 7:21 PM


    My game seems to go downhill lately. Last score I posted, the server said, "shouldn't you go back to TM tees"

    :( :( :(


    Thanks Ice' for the big grin and chuckle that gave me, I needed one..........miss our late night games and chat

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Jul 27 2011 1:31 AM

    Hey there Ellis. Not to repeat what anybody on here has already said, but for me it's the friends. Now I have been on here a little bit over a year, and I am a gamer, and in that year I have taken small little breaks. (1 week is the longest drought). But what keeps me coming back is the friends I have on here. I belong to one of the best CC's on here, the United Nations. We are a very close bunch that play this game while on teamspeak. So the banter back and forth is great. Plus being the Tournament CEO of my club keeps me busy in trying to think up different ideas for big tournaments for my club. So I don't just sit here and play a round of golf continuously day in and day out. Not sure I could. But just keeping busy with trying to come up with fresh ideas for tournaments and the friends I have made in my CC, which by the way we are all meeting up in Las Vegas next year for a live meet, keeps me coming back. So I think if you get yourself back to hosting tournaments and chatting with your friends, then you may find what you are missing. I don't know if anybody can give you the answer but I do hope you find it and come back to being a regular here in the community. I wish you nothing but the best and hope to see you around here soon. Take care.

                                                                                                              Master Yoda

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