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Re: Green Speed

rated by 0 users
Mon, Nov 19 2018 11:38 AM (2 replies)
  • Julian999990
    4 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 12:50 AM
    why can't the speed of the green be known when you tee off instead of only receiving this vital piece of information when you are actually on the green ? I have lost many games because for example, I have chipped onto a green only to find that it was tournament level speed and hence then run many yards past the the hole: converse is experienced with a slow green. Does anyone else find this an irritation / flaw with the game? I have written to WGT many times and the standard reply is "it has been sent to the development team for review"
  • DarthMo0
    43 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 11:38 AM

    I feel your pain.  My favorite type of game play is the 3-hole match and on several occasions the match was lost on the first hole because what looks like a simple up and down ends up a three putt because of the unknown green conditions.

    It's not a 100% remedy, but I've gone to the flop shot on an unknown green.  That shot is still subject to a long roll on a fast green with a lot of slope, but generally not more the 8' or so if unlucky, where a chip or pitch can end up god knows where.

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2018 1:56 PM

    In tournaments, the green speed is available in advance of the game.
    (unfortunately not in follow-up rounds of Brackets)

    In private games, you frequently know the speed - it follows the highest tier in ranked/rated rounds.

    In practice, though (and thus in all "mobile" games), it may vary.