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Re: Pack cap explanation

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Fri, Dec 7 2018 4:56 PM (1 replies)
  • Zepheras
    7 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2018 12:52 PM

    If like me, you have taken the pack cap: as logically a players level - we are wrong!

    I just received a response about fair play from the WTG team,

    As I was more and more dismayed about high level players in the "pro" rooms. So here's the reply and explanation that I received about pack cap - it's NOT to do with levels at all, but rather the capacity of package you might receive on a win. ( Sponser pack )

    This should help others understand the pack cap for match play - the game automatically selects the closest opponent in each room, four out of four we're of higher level tier prompting me to write concerning fair play. The higher tier player's get a more difficult tee but consistently score better than me! Masters beat pro players ( I shoot par usually ) 

    Hope this information helps ,


  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2018 4:56 PM

    Have to disagree with you on this. It's called pack cap for a reason - the sponsor pack is capped at the designated level of whatever room you play in. So if you played in Casablanca and won you will receive a sponsor pack for Master level. It ranges from 14-17 item cards points. Likewise if you play in Chelsea you will receive a pack for Pro level that ranges from 6-9 item cards points.

    On a side note, there's nothing in the rules that forbid higher-tier players from playing in the Pro rooms. The very good ones do not come in those rooms because they want more high-stake actions. Some, like me, don't have enough bankroll or don't like high-stake actions in general usually stick to Chelsea because it's the only room that offers fast games of 1-hole. The next one that offers 1-hole play is Rio and the 20K entry fee is just too rich for my blood.