Thanks. I'll rent the Versa to see how it feels. I had a disastrous try out with the TM Red Spider (L51) but I'm hopeful the Versa will be a better experience.
It appears I'll be on the practice range for a time before I venture into competition again. Lots of room to grow.
Thanks for responding and for providing the link.
Didn't know about the 12 Days. I feel needy.
Never having used the pitch, punch or flop, I'm in for a learning experience.
Thanks for the kind words.
You speak as though you've seen me putt! Thanks for your post.
A lot for me to digest. Thanks for you detailed reply and for your cost breakdown. At this point, I don't foresee my innate frugality allowing me to spend real $ on this game beyond my $20 initial investment. I'll put the L33 Cally ball in my notes for future reference. As you indicated, I'll not try to do everything at once.
Many useful pieces of advice. Thank you so much.
K7JBQ:All the levels below Legend are basically preliminary stuff.
Oh, my! Another lesson in humility. I have much to learn.
Thanks for responding.