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Re: Day 3 of ‘2018 -12 Days of Christmas Gifting’

Sat, Dec 15 2018 11:30 PM (30 replies)
  • santa084
    114 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2018 5:15 PM

    Dear Santa, you work so hard, I was wondering if you need anything.

  • callaghan159
    6,313 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2018 6:28 PM


    GrannyOg710 - L 55+ Taylor Made M1 9.0 Driver

    Good ol Granny is a member of my club so gift is sent to her. 
    Merry Christmas and enjoy your new driver.

    PS--just wondering if WGT is going to be doing any gifting. Have not seen anything from them yet. 

    Sometimes I got to wonder. I checked to see if this player had equipped their new driver and noticed they had a rented driver in their bag. I will be some pissed if they in turn sold the gift.

  • SamSpayed
    4,998 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2018 7:33 PM

    Sometimes I got to wonder. I checked to see if this player had equipped their new driver and noticed they had a rented driver in their bag. I will be some pissed if they in turn sold the gift.

    Brian, I think she just equipped a free rental she received when leveled up to L72.  Probably nothing more than that.  I imagine you'll see that L55 TM Driver in her bag tomorrow after the rental runs out.  It's a great club and a very generous gift.

  • Trinbagoboy
    286 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2018 7:36 PM

    Dear Santa

    My wish for this Christmas is an upgrade from my Odyssey Versa #1 Black Putter Level 33+ which I must admit I am loath to part with as it has been with me from Pro all the way to Legend. 

    Santa believe me when I say one needs help at Legend Tier on the greens so it is my heartfelt wish that you can see your way to slipping the Odyssey Sabretooth Putter M1 (98+) under my tree.

    Santa I have been a member of WGT since 2009 and would normally upgrade my clubs myself but the last two years have seen a change in my country when it comes to using credit cards to purchase items abroad. The banks here have literally stopped most of us from making purchases online due to a shortage of foreign currencies in our banking system.

    Lets face it Santa reaching Legend tier took me 9 years and in normal circumstances I would probably have celebrated and  gifted my self new Irons, Putter and Balls  (ha ha )but the situation here and my current circumstances prevent me from doing that anyway. 

    Hence my wish for help from you.

    Santa I will leave my old putter under the tree, just in case, so that you can pass it on to another in need.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    No matter what happens please accept that I wish you and yours a very merry Christmas and much joy in the coming year.


  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2018 7:43 PM


    I know the thought that goes through our minds but we must have faith that if we do the right thing Good Things will continue to happen for us.

    I don't know your reason for giving but if it for the wrong reason we will become jaded.

    Yes, there are takers in this world but I found out that if I keep my palm in a giving  position there will always be room to receive from others.

    The blessing is that you are Blessed, so that all the nations of the world can be Blessed!

    I just got back form a University Graduation, And several of the students that I helped over the past 4 years located me in the arena and introduced me to their parents and their parents thanked me. Monatary No, Heart Warming,Yes The Best.

    So thanks again,You are truly a Blessing

    Siders Best

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2018 8:01 PM


    Before you post your request again Please look for you name on the list, if it is Please Don't re-post. 

    Hopefull you relize that your asking total strangers to fork out lots of their hard earned credits to someone that may be playing against them in a RG and could be saving their own credits to buy their own stuff. 

    What's 3000 credits, When is the last time you went in you pocket and gave someone $30

    It don't happen every day, be patient, if we can - we will gift you, if not maybe your eyes were bigger than our poket books.

    Just a thought

    Siders Best

  • Trinbagoboy
    286 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2018 8:15 PM

    Siders Best and all the other givers.

    Whether I get my wish or not I wanted to say that what you guys are doing is truly great.

    This is why I love WGT it is a community not just another game.

    I would also like to thank my club captain Don Caron of Brookline Country Club for passing this link on to me. He is aware of my situation so he took both the time and effort to PM me and suggest I write to Santa for the first time in about 51 years. 

    I really hope that all of you and your families have a great Christmas and wonderful New Year.

    Robert aka Trinbagoboy

  • GrannyOg710
    118 Posts
    Sat, Dec 15 2018 11:30 PM

    I love the game and this spirit of wonderful generosity.  Before considering asking Santa  for my amazing new driver, I rented it to make sure it would work well for me now and well into the future. I do plan to sell a few clubs in the next few days to pay it forward myself. No need for concern. 


    PS Callaghan159,  You made my month! Thank you for my new driver.  I love our Club and can’t wait to contribute in the next Turf War!  Merry Christmas and to all a good night!

  • callaghan159
    6,313 Posts
    Sun, Dec 16 2018 5:13 AM


    My wish for this Christmas is an upgrade from my Odyssey Versa #1 Black Putter Level 33+ which I must admit I am loath to part with as it has been with me from Pro all the way to Legend. 

    Santa believe me when I say one needs help at Legend Tier on the greens so it is my heartfelt wish that you can see your way to slipping the Odyssey Sabretooth Putter M1 (98+) under my tree.

    YGIOIW-please enjoy and have a Merry Christmas and safe holiday season

  • Leggoman13
    8,363 Posts
    Sun, Dec 16 2018 6:03 AM

    I know the thought that goes through our minds but we must have faith that if we do the right thing Good Things will continue to happen for us.

    The blessing is that you are Blessed, so that all the nations of the world can be Blessed!

    Well said Siders,

    Wishing you all great day.

    cheers :o)
