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Re: disconnections

rated by 0 users
Sun, Aug 28 2011 11:21 PM (5 replies)
  • satlad
    11 Posts
    Sat, Aug 20 2011 12:57 PM

    i,m looking for a new site to play on. i,m absoluteley sick of players leaving the game

  • TeeWade
    1,216 Posts
    Wed, Aug 24 2011 1:25 PM

    Give GolfStar a try at     Kick ass game with "real" golf simulations. Up slope, down slope, side slopes, sun, clouds, rain, snow on one course :), hot sands of desert, hunidity factor as well as temperature changes and they all affect the ball. Unlike this game that has no weather changes, not even a cloud  lol, slopes don't mean a dam thing, temperatures' are not even factored in. Meter there swings smoothly without hiccups from hell. I could go on......

  • spikel
    100 Posts
    Wed, Aug 24 2011 1:52 PM

    Ugh Golfstar. Talk about a game that is boring and easy with odd physics. This game here remains one of the best golf games in existence. Frustrated with it? Take a break, you'll be back.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Aug 24 2011 2:44 PM

    This game has clouds, I aim at some of them on certain holes, the clouds are always in the same place, doesn't mean the ball will land any wheres near the same place, but we do have clouds, and water, and weeds (deep weeds), who the hell plays in the snow? I don't have a shovel wedge, can you buy one?

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2011 4:36 PM
    There may be thousands of reasons why people disconnect and it's none of "our" business why.  Indeed, perhaps more than 90% of rounds are never finished?  So get used to it and even when someone disconnects with or without an explanation, it is Their Freedom Of Choice to do so under the WGT Terms & Conditions as I think most members understand?  Anyway, it's only a video game and if someone disconnects, then just click and play another game but if it makes you angry when someone disconnects, then you don't have to play that person again in the future.  Duh. :)  It's just that simple! 
    Same goes for Searches; it is Every Member's Freedom Of Choice to accept only the players they wish to play with.  If you don't like those "Terms & Conditions", then you can plead your case to WGT.  Though it is certainly everyone's prerogative to complain in the forum about anything they wish; Nobody has the right to post hate messages just because someone disconnects or chooses not to play with them.  Though I agree with you that "disconnects" may be annoying to some but That's Just The Way It Is. :)
  • Kindle2010
    602 Posts
    Sun, Aug 28 2011 11:21 PM

    Hate messages? couple of guys bit pissed off, but hardly a Hate message.