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Re: Backspin Observation

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Sat, Aug 27 2011 3:31 PM (3 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2011 6:03 PM

    This could me my imagination playing tricks on me after a few cans and would like to have your thoughts...

    Noticed a couple of months ago and have been watching closer....playing St. Andrews mostly and maybe a couple of other courses.... that the ball will spin in the same direction as the wind when the camera changes to the reverse view, hitting onto green with the long shots. eg; if there is a cross wind... the ball will B/Spin towards the direction of the wind instead of going straight back.

    I'm a bit slow and just noticed this after 1500+

    If this observation is correct, It might be something to remember and use to your advantage.

    Has anybody else noticed this or do I have to have another




  • bullpin
    630 Posts
    Fri, Aug 26 2011 7:21 PM

    I have seen this before also... had a strong cross wind heading right on 16 (andy's), aimed my shot as I normally would but clicked the meter about 2 lines early. The ball landed maybe 6 ft wide and 3 ft long, but rolled back diagonally towards the hole. Luckily it stopped within kick in range and I had an easy bird : )

  • Kindle2010
    602 Posts
    Sat, Aug 27 2011 12:32 AM

    With out question, I've have seen this and now play for this effect. If played for is a potent weapon to get the ball close.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 27 2011 3:31 PM, then it's not my


    Yes, I'm starting to play for it too...  Well the aim is to hit the ball as close to the hole a possible, with my wedges I know that there will be a certain amount of backspin, so If there is a cross wind, say left to right...I would try and land the ball to the right of flag and the spin should carry it back towards the flag, instead of spinning towards the front of green..... well that's the

