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Re: Tips for higher lvl cleveland wedges

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Mon, Sep 5 2011 1:09 PM (9 replies)
  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Sun, Sep 4 2011 8:31 AM

    Hi all,

    Please can someone help with this issue, I'm sure that they are fantastic when you get used to them, until then I need some help... can anybody that has been using them for while give any advice, especially regarding spin. I bought mine yesterday and quickly learnt that full bs is not the way to go, lol, damn these clubs never stop  with full bs. 

    All help is appreciated.


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Sep 4 2011 8:33 AM

    I tried to get on with them but couldn't, so I sold them back.

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Sun, Sep 4 2011 8:45 AM


    I tried to get on with them but couldn't, so I sold them back.

    I must say I am actually glad that I only bought 1 for now, seems like they are a bit difficult to master and the satins are not bad at all.

    I see you use the 52 degree wedge, I don't know if you like it but I hated mine. Have you tried the lvl 64, 54 degree satin? AMAZING!! try it....much,much better and 5 extra yards.

  • flaccus
    516 Posts
    Sun, Sep 4 2011 8:56 AM

    I'm still learning about mine, but i like them. I quickly learned to leave the dot alone in most circs from the fairway. You get 3-5 yds bspin by putting the dot down a touch. They are v good in the rough and the overpowering backspin has its uses on the big sloping greens. Persevere i reckon. 

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Sep 4 2011 9:24 AM


    I tried to get on with them but couldn't, so I sold them back.

    Same here, while it is personal like for most like pitaker I hated them. 

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Sun, Sep 4 2011 10:10 AM

    They are great.

    The natural backspin will stop the ball perfectly on full shots from the fairway and even punch shots.

    The added backspin comes in handy when playing from the rough - the thicker the rough, the more added backspin. Similarly when playing from sand.

    These wedges also change the short game. Added backspin will not exactly stop a pitch or chip shot cold - that would be rather contrary to physics - but it will definitely help control the rollout. This requires some adjustments to Iconian's famous guide to the short game. With full backspin, pitches and chips from the fairway or light rough will play very close to their stated distances, whereas in Iconian's original guide (based on (shall we say?) obsolete clubs), you need to subtract a few yards of strength for a pitch shot from the fairway with backspin. 

  • borntobesting
    9,681 Posts
    Sun, Sep 4 2011 10:31 AM

    These wedges are truly great. The 60 degree and 64 degree will even back up or stop the free ball. No other wedge on WGT can do that. They do take a little getting used to but when you do they are well worth the credits paid for them. The players who tried them for 2 or 3 days and gave up on them made a big mistake. Where they really shine though is around the greens. with either the chip or pitch you can get close and many times hole out shots that the Z satins and Ping W's could not. I for 1 will never go back to the other wedges these are just too good.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Sep 4 2011 10:48 AM

    Those wedges are great but I must admit that for the first 4-6 weeks I was off. Now a bit better but still can be off. Biggest thing, you can backspin from 20/25 and 30/40 + control other situations much better



  • Cleworthy
    3,468 Posts
    Mon, Sep 5 2011 8:50 AM

    If you have enough room past the hole, I have used the 56 deg (100 YD) club with full back-spin to get to 90 YDs, which is an in between yardage for me.  Very useful.  C

  • BigRedNewfie
    205 Posts
    Mon, Sep 5 2011 1:09 PM

    I love the things ... though you do have to learn the spin. With the Cal Z ball the 56 & 60 pretty well stop dead from the fairway with no spin & the 64 need a hair of ts to do the same. TS is good for fine tuning your distance ... full ts will gain you a couple yards. Backspin is the scary part to use. I don't add any on near full shots, even from the rough. But around the green it's awesome. I used full bs for pitches and they stop in a yrd or two but this limited the holeout chances, Now I use about half bs for a 3-5 yrd roll and full bs for those short pitches with downhill landing areas.

    Yes, I think these wedges have a larger learning curve, but they offer shots around the green that weren't available to me before, and I'm still learning.
