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Re: swing meter skip

Sun, Jan 10 2010 11:15 AM (36 replies)
  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 5:24 PM

    Chrome gave me the same approximate playing results as IE, which was average-poor. I'd reccomend Firefox with the addition of a Flash-Block add-on, which effectively renders all Flash-based activity on the home page inactive.  You have the option to click on each individual Flash application on the page to display it but at least the ads and such will be blocked by default and won't interfere with your game playing.

    Of all the browser testing I've charted, the above combination is the one that uses the least amount of total resources on your computer.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 6:32 PM

    Well, when folks close that original browser window, they need no Flash-block.

    Tibbets, would you know if the Flash-block itself (it's a type of software, after all) might interfere with the shot meter when trying to block delivered Flash content? (I rarely use Firefox, so I don't know how that plugin operates there.)

    PS: Just managed to complete my first TWO round, will post a brief report later.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 6:36 PM

    No, it doesn't adversely affect the swing meter at all, just the opposite in fact.  Since the flash content doesn't get rendered at all unless you click on it, there is no interference whatsoever.  Resource use playing the game with the home page open drops dramatically to near the same level of closing the page entirely when the Flash-Block is enabled.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Nov 11 2009 4:58 AM

    Chrome gave me the same approximate playing results as IE, which was average-poor.

    This statement alone indicates something's not quite right. Chrome works quite well for me whether or not I close the original browser, easily as good as Firefox. I don't need to block this or enable that, it just plain works.

    Using IE for anything is not a good move. Virus programmers target that for their stuff and unless you're really diligent with virus protection and blocking content you're asking for trouble. If I could uninstall it I would but Windows doesn't let you do that so it just sits there in the corner collecting dust.  

    Firefox and Chrome do quite nicely for me. JMO



  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Wed, Nov 11 2009 5:07 AM

    WGT officially confirmed in these forums there were some issues with using IE 8, so that should be enough warning for everyone. WGT seem to recommend Firefox as the best option, while many players (also) recommend Chrome.

  • sergelbergeron
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jan 10 2010 10:17 AM

    Here's my 2 cents  - I think that the programming is made so that if you don't buy new clubs - new equipment then the swing meter gives you more trouble and jums.

    I am a new member in mid December going rapidly from Hacker - Amateur and Pro - I was getting better - I have a brand new PC and everything is off except the golf game.  However I used some of my credits to buy new balls - which have been removed by the progrmming - I never lost those balls and now the swing meter is skipping.  Many members told me that if I buy new clubs that will stop.

    So to be honest with the WGT clients - is the programming made that way fro anyone that doesn't spend any money on the site??  With ALL the advertising on the site you'd think they make enough money as it is.  Does a player have more talent if he-she has better clubs.  I guess that's the way it is in real life but it would be nice to have a place where real talent counts and not the almighty dollar - now let's see how long this post will remain on the site - or will it be censured promptly????



  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Sun, Jan 10 2010 11:15 AM

    New clubs will not stop meter skips.

    The balls have durability ratings and do wear out over time.

    Everyone does have meter issues to some degree. Make sure you do everything HERE to optimize your system.

    I have had the best luck with Google Chrome. My meter issues are minor.

    Hope this helps.

    P.S. You can also email WGT with your system specs and they will help you out.

    *edit*    Did you clear both you browser and FLASH CACHE after the last update?