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swing meter skip

Sun, Jan 10 2010 11:15 AM (36 replies)
  • Vgolfmaster
    68 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 1:55 PM


    I'd be happy to try that and test further, as it seems there is no one within WGT that cares to look in to any of these issues. Based on my limited history in these forums, I doubt seriously that they would respond to any discovered issues anyway, but I'm 'game' if you are.

    I'm thinking this might take more than 18, lol - we might actually consider 1 or 2 rounds at a particular configuration, then make 1 change and test another 1-2 rounds, ect in order to test each config change and gauge the results

    To answer your ?'s

    ATT DSL (6Mbps download / .7Mbps upload)

    Intel Pentium D Dual Core 2.6Ghz running on Winx XP Pro SP3 (32bit) with 3Gigs 533MHz DDR2 SDRam


    I considered an upgrade to 64 bit to utilize more than th e3.2G limit of 32 bit, but I doubt that this game cant run on 3Gigs of memory. I will be upgrading to te 64 bit version of Win7 after the general public gets to test the intiial release.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 2:04 PM

    ATT DSL (6Mbps download / .7Mbps upload)

    I'm confident the speed of your Internet connection has nothing whatsoever to do with meter skipping. I believe your download speed would, at most, affect your load times prior to launching a course / moving to the next hole/shot/zoom view.

    Intel Pentium D Dual Core 2.6Ghz running on Winx XP Pro SP3 (32bit) with 3Gigs 533MHz DDR2 SDRam

    Vgolfmaster, that's far more and above than is required. Throughout last week, I successfully played this game on an old 4-year-old laptop with only 512MB of old RAM, single-core, 1.66GHz if I remember correctly.

    It's a lot more important what goes on on your computer than the computer's specs. Even the resources of a high-end computer with the best specs may become exhausted intermittently by background processes without the user realizing it.

    Vgolfmaster, do you close the original browser window after you launch the game pop-up window? I find that some of the aggressive ads displayed on WGT's webpages can drain a computer's RAM all the way down to zero.

    I considered an upgrade to 64 bit

    Absolutely irrelevant. Forget it.

    I will be upgrading to te 64 bit version of Win7

    Again, irrelevant for meter skipping and not necessary to address the issue.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 2:36 PM

    Good numbers there. I'm running 64 bit Vista on Toshiba Satellite , P8400   2.26 ghz with zero problems. Multi-task my rear off with no load. Always have 1.5-2 gb RAM  free out of 4. DSL here (shop) and cable at home. DSL seems to run quicker but probs relatively the same.

    Let's do it whenever we can. EST here, evenings best.





  • Vgolfmaster
    68 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 2:56 PM


    I do not normally close the initial browser window, but will try it during our test runs. Ads are not my issues, I haven't seen in online ad in many years. I will also test different browsers and see if any of them render this any more efficiently.

    I agree that a 64 bit system in and of itself offers no advantages, but the increased memory capacity of a 64 bit system sure can't hurt. From that aspect, I think it is a little irresponsible to recommend that someone 'forget about' the option.



  • Vgolfmaster
    68 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 3:00 PM


    I am running a Nvidia 880GT as well, I think I forgot to mention that last time. I'll friend ya and watch for you as I get on here.

    Evenings are best for me as well, but I am hit or miss around my school schedule, I'm in WI on central time!



    701 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 3:07 PM

    customer satisfaction


    I felt the same way after I bought my new Raptures.I really thought I had made a bad mistake by investing my hard earned money in some new I put them down and went back to the old Starter clubs to see why I switched in the first place.I foung out the reason I switched,it was simple,the Raps are the most superior set of clubs that WGT had to offer.I admit that they take some getting used to but so did the Starter set.

    You are now looking at the proud owner of a sniny new set of Raps ,a R9 driver,some Satin wedges with a 64 dgree Ping wedge to round out the set.Don't even get me started on the beautiful Redwood Putter that Ping has to offer, think I made a good investment.

    I will say this if it will make you feel any better about your purchase...I don't see Tiger playing with the first set of clubs that was given to him anymore...I wonder why he bought some new ones...?


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 3:31 PM

    I do not normally close the initial browser window

    You'd be astonished what a huge difference that can make, in terms of meter skipping. It sometimes happens to me that my meter skips on the first 2 holes of a round, or so. I say, "What the hell!" I look at the taskbar... Woops! I had forgotten to close the initial WGT browser window. (It's very natural to forget to do so.) I close it... And the meter skipping immediately disappears. (In addition to the ads, the skips may also be caused by the constant live updates of your Friends panel, displayed on every WGT webpage, especially if you have dozens of friends in your list.)

    Ads are not my issues, I haven't seen in online ad in many years.

    What do you mean? That you're running an ad-blocker? If yes, it might well be the ad-blocker's actions in the background that are disturbing the swing-meter. Who knows? I've heard of folks who complained about adverse effects of some Firefox plugins, for example.

    I will also test different browsers and see if any of them render this any more efficiently.

    Definitely a good idea. I've tested all 5 common browsers for the PC (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, SeaMonkey, IE) and can say without hesitation that the game performs best in Chrome. Many WGT users agree.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 3:49 PM

    See the admins response here.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 3:55 PM

    Yup, that's the quotation I was trying to remember earlier.  

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Nov 10 2009 5:12 PM

    V-Make sure you get the Chrome DL. I use Firefox and just recently accidentally dl'd it  (Google Earth packs it.) I agree with Faterson-the game plays well there. I use both when playing ladders  with Chrome the play browser and Firefox for other stuff. LOL-as it is I'm waiting for the timer to run out because of the schnook that left early.

    Chrome seems to deteriorate playing match after match without closing out of it but it's fast going out and coming back in.

