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Re: Currently in a game - help!

Sun, Dec 4 2022 6:15 PM (22 replies)
  • Cas57
    3,040 Posts
    Sun, Mar 1 2020 9:47 AM


    Yep, WGT did what you were told they would do... reimburse you.

    Had you read the first post I made, it was edited reading that I sent in a ticket to WGT long before you got involved.  Oh yea, I wasn't sitting here specifically waiting for him, I was in contact with people just in case they needed drivers to help transport 46 rescue dogs from Fresno California to near Tacoma Washington, they didn't and it got done.

    By your logic, everyone that accepts gifts from others is cheating WGT out of people buying credits or watching videos to buy balls and depriving WGT of sales because they didn't earn them on their own.

    Gifts are one thing, saying you would intentionally "throw a coin game when our paths crossed" is another.  I said nothing about gifts or watching videos or anything other than "throwing a coin game".  See how you read into things?

    If it's no big deal, why did you remove your post from my profile page?

    At least you apologized to the person you accused of trying to take your coins, so I commend you for that.  

    based on what you type/post, your words have no meaning to me, thanks for the attempt though. It's always been about principle and not the coins but you just seem to want to read into more than what's typed. 

    Well, I got sucked in again!  I'm done for sure this time, not worth the time.  I'd rather spend it with the 3 animal rescues we're volunteering for now.

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Sun, Mar 1 2020 10:38 AM

    LOL -- and it remains a classic case of "tilting at windmills" 

    You keep trying to impose principle on technological glitches, and WGT will just reimburse anyone and everyone that experience logical hangups in the game that contacts them. 

    If it was principle, you wouldn't have accepted the coin reimbursement that ONLY covers your entry fee.  I have never seen them award the FULL amount for coins you would have won AND they don't adjust or correct your win loss record, which they don't and can't do to my knowledge.  In principle you still lost, but were merely reimbursed.  And that fight, won't resolve itself.   

    If it is only the principle and your record wasn't corrected then it wasn't addressed properly. WGT only appeased you by reimbursing your entry fee... so the principle that you claim you are fighting for... well that windmill is still out there. 

    Go knock yourself out.... 

    My mistake... sometimes I escape a bad round by checking out the forums.  Even with good intentions of trying to help others… or offer a different perspective, you can't always control how others will read, interpret or if they will take offense.  I feel I have challenged WGT on some things myself... but after awhile even I stopped chasing those windmills myself because I saw futility in doing so.  

  • PAT3361
    51 Posts
    Sun, Dec 4 2022 6:15 PM

    Just had to reply to this!

    Cas 57, i spot on with his comments regarding the issues he encountered within the game, he is also correct in saying that you stepped in and completely twisted his comments and the points he raised, I too have had more than a few times where opponents have quite for no reason and caused the game to hang, now you might not think that this is possible but in the world of computers anything and everything is possible! you state above that you

    " I have never seen them award the FULL amount for coins you would have won AND they don't adjust or correct your win loss record, which they don't and can't do to my knowledge"

    Well they do!!

    So get off your sanctimonious high horse and stop twisting peoples words