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Re: The Easy Tease - a new club

rated by 0 users
Sun, Dec 13 2020 5:56 PM (8 replies)
  • JasCooper
    528 Posts
    Wed, Dec 2 2020 6:40 PM


    I'm here to offer you membership in a club that is brand new, The Easy Tease (pun intended). I was a member of what was once one of the best, if not the best, mobile clubs on WGT. I'm not anymore for a few reasons

    1. The founding owner left and moved on to greener pastures. He was not only a great player but also a great guy. The club was not the same when he left.

    2. The new PC version of the game isn't very much different than the mobile game, so having an exclusively mobile club is really unnecessary lately.

    3. I got thrown out. I have a habit of speaking my mind on occasion, and made fun of one of the new directors, which wasn't appreciated (although he has since quit the club thinking that he could do better).

    Although while I was a member, I contributed a lot to the club, including contributing 4,500,000 XP points, and many WGT secrets I discovered (like the ‘Glitches’ if you remember them). And whatever knowledge I acquired about the game over my 4 years there. I was even offered the position as Director, which I declined as I didn’t want to be that involved.

    So, what does The Easy Tease have to offer (besides the cool name and a kickass logo):

    1. I ask nothing of members except to enjoy themselves. If you don't like playing Clashes, you don't have to. Myself, I wouldn't waste time playing in Turf Wars for a handful of useless coins.

    2. members will have the abilities to do whatever I can, such as creating club tournaments, using Superpasses, or arranging inner or intra club matches, etc.

    The only thing I would ask of members is, if you're accumulating Consecutive Days Played points (CDP), that you use one of your daily Club Passes when you can gain the most points. At least until we hit level 4, which shouldn't be far off.

    The club was just created yesterday so we’re only at Level 2. That gets you the Putter Pal. Level 3 is 10,000 points away. That means custom tees, which I gather to mean tournaments that can be from the front tees, if you’re itching to tier up quickly, or just lower your average.

    Don’t think I made it to Champion and Level 117 playing from the back tees.

    Level 4 gets us the Shot Pal. After that, it’s mostly point increases, and more directors and members. Until Level 19, when they start handing out Custom Course Builders. But that’s a ways off.

    And, I wouldn’t count on winning a gold putter. But that’s unlikely in any club. Except that one that demanded a lot from their members (remember The Georgian that used to always be atop the leaderboards). And I doubt most of them ever got one.

    I also don’t like to spend money on this game, but still have managed to get top clubs, but still play with Starter Balls much of the time (also seem to have a strange attraction to water hazards, and don't like losing expensive balls). But I’ve managed to whittle my average down to under 57 (the secret of saturation).

    So, if you care to join me, please feel free to sign up. Hacks or Tour Champions, all are welcome (even Hall of Fame members, although I'm not counting on Young46 joining).Contact me with any questions. It’s a long slog to Level 20, but you can be one of the charter members that helps get us there.

    Hope to see you soon, Jas. (player name JasCoooper)   

  • PapaDave98
    4 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2020 3:24 PM

    Sign me up if you'll have me . . .

  • AlaskanDame
    19,718 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2020 5:50 PM

    Sure, I want an owner who makes fun of members. . . . ha!


  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Fri, Dec 4 2020 8:28 AM

    Don’t think I made it to Champion and Level 117 playing from the back tees.

    Actually I made it to Tour Legend and Level 118 playing from the Back Tees. 

  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Fri, Dec 4 2020 4:42 PM

    Actually I made it to Tour Legend and Level 118 playing from the Back Tees. 

    Same.  I believe it makes you a better player.  But I know a lot of players, for whatever reason, like to play easy tees (easy tease?).

    Good luck with your club, Jas!

  • JasCooper
    528 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 6:09 PM

    Sure, I want an owner who makes fun of members. . . . ha!


    It was only one guy. And he was a self-absorbed jerk. I don’t berate other members, and at least I’m honest.
  • JasCooper
    528 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 6:12 PM

    Sign me up if you'll have me . . .

    Friend request sent. All are welcome.
  • JasCooper
    528 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 6:18 PM

    Actually I made it to Tour Legend and Level 118 playing from the Back Tees. 

    Same.  I believe it makes you a better player.  But I know a lot of players, for whatever reason, like to play easy tees (easy tease?).

    I sometimes wish I had waited. But it’s WGT. And it is a game. It’s not like I’m going to beat the good players anyway. At least not until I can hit the ding.
  • JasCooper
    528 Posts
    Sun, Dec 13 2020 5:56 PM
    Still looking for members of our quiet little club. If you’re looking for a busy, active club, we’re probably not for you. But if you’re looking for one where you get all member benefits from jump street. One where you can create tournaments on your favorite courses. One where you can play clashes, but aren’t disappointed that the club is still too small to be winning gold putters. If you like a club with a kickass logo, check us out. No application necessary. Join us. If you don’t like it, you can always quit.