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Re: Truth about WGT - and Henry

Mon, Dec 7 2020 3:40 PM (38 replies)
  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 1:50 AM

    I did nothing but write a nice post in the WGT forum in response to Henry's post and yet you take the opportunity to attack me.
    That sounds like a misunderstanding. I never wanted to attack you. I rather wanted to say, "I don't care for H but I respect you".

    Concerning your "nice post", it looks like I rightly felt attacked by your mention of the trolls and tried to put that right, in line with your description "get a rise..."

    It only seems that I have to ... stop here (edited, called to order by Craig below)

  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 1:59 AM

    He who searches for evil, must first look at his own reflection...

    In some darkened corner, an evil troll named Kawa  was rolling on the floor laughing, hysterically..

    Each of us has an inner troll..

  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 3:37 AM

    A PARACLAUSITHYRON is a love song performed outside a beloved's front door..

  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 4:38 AM

    We all have them to make at some point in our lives, and tough decisions are, by their very nature, not easy ones to take, and that is exactly the case for our henry during the coming weeks, as he faces what might quite possibly be the toughest decision of his life..

    He wants to make the right choice - but it's not easy, and he knows it .

    Of course, there's not only himself  to consider. He has over 6000 friends  and whatever he will  decide to do must also be with them in mind..

    I don't want any undesirable consequences arising out of my decision, and must, therefore, weigh things up very carefully before I take any positive action.henry told me .

    He is particularly concerned about unforeseen circumstances, and wants to avoid anything that may adversely affect his beloved wgt aquaintances in the future.

    "Yes, that's right," he said, adding, "It's a serious business making plans for the future, and when you're faced with a difficult choice, you want to be sure that there aren't going to be any hidden problems from which might arise unwanted repercussions."

    Henry said  that he still has some thinking to do, but will, hopefully, come to a decision in the near future..

    Merry christmas from us all henry .

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 6:17 AM

    Concerning your "nice post", it looks like I rightly felt attacked by your mention of the trolls

    Guilt by association? No one can make you feel guilty, except yourself...

    Henry's new plan to let the 6000 + friends down softly, before the end

    See the source image

    I have to tell you folks. Henry is a true *good sport*

    To weather all the lascivious slings with a smile, takes a darn stoic constitution


  • BIGAL123
    202 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 6:34 AM


    We all have them to make at some point in our lives, and tough decisions are, by their very nature, not easy ones to take, and that is exactly the case for our henry during the coming weeks, as he faces what might quite possibly be the toughest decision of his life..

    He wants to make the right choice - but it's not easy, and he knows it .

    Of course, there's not only himself  to consider. He has over 6000 friends  and whatever he will  decide to do must also be with them in mind..

    I don't want any undesirable consequences arising out of my decision, and must, therefore, weigh things up very carefully before I take any positive action.henry told me .

    He is particularly concerned about unforeseen circumstances, and wants to avoid anything that may adversely affect his beloved wgt aquaintances in the future.

    "Yes, that's right," he said, adding, "It's a serious business making plans for the future, and when you're faced with a difficult choice, you want to be sure that there aren't going to be any hidden problems from which might arise unwanted repercussions."

    Henry said  that he still has some thinking to do, but will, hopefully, come to a decision in the near future..

    Merry christmas from us all henry .

    Sounds more like you are talking about a president we know.

  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 9:53 AM

    Concerning your "nice post", it looks like I rightly felt attacked by your mention of the trolls

    Guilt by association?

    Nope, just the skills to read and remember. She wrote:

    This is why you are known in the WGT world as a "troll" in the forum.

    To weather all the lascivious slings with a smile, takes a darn stoic constitution
    It's rather easy when you internalise "don't feed..." - keep your mouth shut!

  • HenryKawa
    1,724 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 2:54 PM


    I'm sorry
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2020 3:40 PM

    How can you not laugh at that ^^^ post. The smile that indubitably says >


    The Henry Kawa comedy hour

    3:00am every Tuesday after rainbow... Killer slot

    Good on you Henry