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Sat, Mar 6 2021 6:21 AM (18 replies)
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  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Fri, Mar 5 2021 1:12 PM


    OK so!!!!! I download OBS and I'm having a much WORSE experience LOL

    I'm tapping out least I had twitch Studio working on Twitch were other people were seeing stream (even though I had had no idea if and where stream or recording was going) in order to save it ...

    OBS tells me I'm "Live Streaming" but on twitch all I see is the "Be right Back" screen even tho is says I'm live on stream...




    Looks to me like I did things right? Or ya can't fix Stupid I guess  

    SOOO frustrated 😡


  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Fri, Mar 5 2021 1:16 PM

    Performance Mode in SLOBS uses less CPU than OBS

    Thanks Ken.  ; )

    6,890 Posts
    Fri, Mar 5 2021 1:18 PM

    I Think I found the issue my guess my The less than average Laptop I use cant handle OBS

    OH Well BTW this IS Stream labs OBS?

  • MarchieB
    1,533 Posts
    Fri, Mar 5 2021 7:30 PM

    JD, not sure if this will help at all. There is a basic guide for OBS on this page. I’ve never used any of this so I cannot say if it will solve/help.

    6,890 Posts
    Fri, Mar 5 2021 7:53 PM

    I was able to stream our match with Twitch Studio but when I would go on my studio page to see chat it would just be frozen ...But everyone that watched said they were able to watch the match just fine and I heard they were all chatting so that's good lol...My issue's are my laptop...It's just to low end to handle 2 screens open with that much usage...My Laptop was running at near 90% plus...I was lucky I could play without to many issue's on the Launcher..

  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2021 3:00 AM

    Hi JD,

               I didn't get to see it as it was on at 1am my time, i said I'd look back at it this morn but can't as you didn't "check" "Store Past Broadcasts"



    6,890 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2021 3:24 AM

    Sorry Ken my friend But that was my original issue with the "Twitch Studio" platform as I can not seem to find a way to do that ? It does not seem there is that option like on SLOBS...I was even recording the stream as well But don't know where it is ? 😕


    Update: I found "store past broadcasts"  by going to my "Dashboard" on "Twitch Studio" and it was OFF darn it !!

  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2021 4:35 AM


    Sorry Ken my friend But that was my original issue with the "Twitch Studio" platform as I can not seem to find a way to do that ? It does not seem there is that option like on SLOBS...I was even recording the stream as well But don't know where it is ? 😕


    Update: I found "store past broadcasts"  by going to my "Dashboard" on "Twitch Studio" and it was OFF darn it !!

    That's where i showed you on Twitch, i took the Screenshot & outlined the steps for you yesterday

    Don't record as it will put additional resources on your already overworked system, Streamed games are Saved automatically to Twitch for 14 days, if you have "Prime Gaming" (formerly Amazon Prime) it will be saved for 60 days

    6,890 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2021 6:21 AM

    I know you did Ken and TY BTW for the help ....But I "Thought" you where showing me the steps on your SLOBS ....When you said ditch Twitch Studio and I should go with OBS I guess I got confuzzeld  🤣


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