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Re: courses gone?

Thu, Nov 18 2021 2:55 PM (17 replies)
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  • Foggymist
    533 Posts
    Wed, Nov 10 2021 7:29 AM

    The previous poster was correct.

    I played a 9-hole Head-to-Head last week (November 2021) on Best of Par 5 and there is one hole on Cabo and one hole on Whistler.

    Kind regards,


  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Nov 10 2021 9:26 AM


    The previous poster was correct.

    I played a 9-hole Head-to-Head last week (November 2021) on Best of Par 5 and there is one hole on Cabo and one hole on Whistler.

    Kind regards,


    Take a screenshot, Whistler nor Cabo were never on BOP 5...At least not as long as I've played. 


  • alosso
    21,077 Posts
    Thu, Nov 11 2021 9:17 AM

    Take a screenshot, Whistler nor Cabo were never on BOP 5...At least not as long as I've played. 
    My notes state that the first version of Bo5 had two Cabo holes (##4 + 13 on the Bo5) plus two Whistler holes (##9 + 16). This version began with KIA #2, CCC #6 and OLY #17, then Cabo #2.

    At some point of time, Georgian received the honorable task to create new versions of the Best-ofs (?w/o Cabo, Whistler and OAK?) which are active today. Bo5 starts with PBL ?#2?, CHB ?#9?, KIA ?#16? before the first Par5 on MER.

    The descriptions above let me think that the old version is still in use in the H2Hs(?)

  • borntobesting
    9,725 Posts
    Thu, Nov 11 2021 4:10 PM

    At some point of time, Georgian received the honorable task to create new versions of the Best-ofs (?w/o Cabo, Whistler and OAK?) which are active today. Bo5 starts with PBL ?#2?, CHB ?#9?, KIA ?#16? before the first Par5 on MER.

    I believe that was shortly after Top Golf bought WGT and WGT  also removed Cabo and Whistler from RG's at the same time.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Nov 12 2021 5:51 AM

    The descriptions above let me think that the old version is still in use in the H2Hs(?

    way before my time, I just hold the position that with as many coin games as ive played- I woulda noticed Cabo or Whistler. I can also see someone mistaking a torrey pines hole for cabo and an oakmont for whistler.

  • alosso
    21,077 Posts
    Fri, Nov 12 2021 1:55 PM

    I can also see someone mistaking a torrey pines hole for cabo and an oakmont for whistler.
    Without a screen shot, it's difficult to tell.

    But, there's hardly mistakening the original course's logo in the top left of the hole display. Still, we haven't seen any statement on that, thus we don't know what's up.

  • Foggymist
    533 Posts
    Fri, Nov 12 2021 2:09 PM

    Please don't patronise me. I know all the courses, played them more often and longer than your good self. Three years of Premier membership with free access to both courses indulged.

    Take your medicine and move on.

    Kind regards,


  • Ka9shk
    33 Posts
    Thu, Nov 18 2021 2:55 PM

    They do pop up in coin matches

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