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Wed, Jan 1 2025 9:02 AM (26 replies)
  • HamdenPro
    2,541 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2023 7:19 AM

    It is always nice to play a new course. Even though we can only select holes from the standard courses available to us, mixing them up can create fun, and sometimes challenging courses.

    I am starting this thread so we can share customs course created in our respective clubs.

    I will start with 2 I created:

    1) EZ PZ OR NOT SO EASY: This is 18 holes, Par 72, created before PGA National came out. It consist primarily of holes with reachable greens, depending on wind and tee conditions. It can be set to be easy or challenging:

    2) A MIXED BAG. This course is 18 holes, par 72, consisting of alternating 3 and 5 pars with a few 4's thrown in to make both the front and back par 36. As low scoring as playing 3 and 5s may seem, trust me, this is not one of those courses if you use medium to heavy wind. A few holes may be prone to take your balls (a real WGT pleaser).

    I hope you enjoy these courses and look forward to trying some of yours.

  • callaghan159
    6,471 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2023 2:56 AM

    To bad you cant set the green speeds to be diff at every hole. Would be some interesting scores because people would forget to check green speeds, after all isnt it a custom course.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,987 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2023 6:57 AM


    To bad you cant set the green speeds to be diff at every hole. Would be some interesting scores because people would forget to check green speeds, after all isnt it a custom course.

    I suggested something along these lines years ago. I was crucified for suggesting it.



    Hopefully times have changed



  • callaghan159
    6,471 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2023 9:34 AM

    I suggested something along these lines years ago. I was crucified for suggesting it.

    Maybe Nico can work his magic.💪

  • phipster
    4,755 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2023 3:22 PM

    An ongoing project of mine to compile 18 holes where water is seriously in play....

  • HamdenPro
    2,541 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2023 4:23 PM

    An ongoing project of mine to compile 18 holes where water is seriously in play..

    Excellent! I am reprinting here:

  • AlaskanDame
    19,913 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2023 7:13 PM

    I often use mixtures by having e.g., 1sts and 10ths (Good Starts), Lucky 7’s, Crazy 8’s, or May the 4’s be with you.

    We also have a doglegs course, nasty when short tees are used, esp with high wind…..but exciting to drive some greens, too. 

  • HamdenPro
    2,541 Posts
    Tue, Jun 27 2023 7:55 PM

    Bump ...

    Post custom courses here to share with others.

  • AJ50457
    562 Posts
    Thu, Jul 6 2023 11:41 AM

    I created 8 Custom Courses that I use in our Tournament rotation.

    1. Shortest Par 3's
    2. Shortest Par 4's
    3. Shortest Par 5's
    4. Shortest Par 72 Course
    5. Longest Par 3's
    6. Longest Par 4's
    7. Longest Par 5's
    8. Longest Par 72 Course

    For example, the Shortest Par 3 Custom Course plays the shortest 18 holes on WGT measured from the back tees. Bandon Dunes was excluded in this project.o

    Effort was made to make the yardage on the Front & Back 9's as equal as possible. Multiple holes from the same course were also split.

    Courses were updated when Torrey Pines and then PGA were added.

    Shortest Par 3's (3,013 Yards; 1507/1506)

    1. PGA  15th - 177 yds
    2. Olympic 13th -  188 yds
    3. Wolf 15th - 130 yds
    4. Pinehurst 9th - 188 yds
    5. Congressional #7 - 172 yds
    6. George #16 - 165 yds
    7. Merion #13 - 134 yds
    8. Andrews #11  - 180 yds
    9. Bethpage #14 - 173 yds
    10. Torrey Pines #8 - 167 yds
    11. Oakmont #6 - 184 yds
    12. PGA #17 - 186 yds
    13. Olympic #15 - 149 yds
    14. Congressional #13 - 185 yds
    15. Erin Hills #9 - 165 yds
    16. Andrews #8 - 181 yds
    17. Pebble Beach #7 - 109 yds
    18. George - #6 - 180 yds

    Shortest Par 4's (6,057 Yards; 3028/3029)

    1. Erin #15 - 361 yds
    2. Andrews #18 - 359 yds
    3. Merion #1 - 359 yds
    4. Olympic #7 - 288 yds
    5. Oakmont #17 - 299 yds
    6. Merion #8 - 360 yds
    7. Congressional #8 - 354 yds
    8. Andrews #9 - 347 yds
    9. Wolf Creek #13 - 301 yds
    10. Pebble Beach #4 - 334 yds
    11. Oakmont #2 - 350 yds
    12. Merion #7 - 363 yds
    13. Erin Hills #2 - 360 yds
    14. Wolf Creek #7 - 340 yds
    15. Andrews #12 - 339 yds
    16. Olympic #18 - 334 yds
    17. Wolf Creek #18 - 306 yds
    18. Chambers #12 - 293 yds

    Shortest Par 5's (9,512 Yards; 4757/4755)

    1. Wolf Creek #17 - 545 yds
    2. Kiawah #7 - 551 yds
    3. Pebble Beach #2 - 509 yds
    4. PGA #6 - 477 yds
    5. Chambers #4 - 525 yds
    6. Bethpage #4 - 517 yds
    7. Pebble Beach #18 - 528 yds
    8. PGA #18 - 550 yds
    9. Congressional #6 - 555 yds
    10. George #15 - 545 yds
    11. Olympic #17 - 522 yds
    12. Merion #4 - 500 yds
    13. PGA #3 - 543 yds
    14. Wolf Creek #5 - 490 yds
    15. Kiawah #2 - 543 yds
    16. Andrews #5 - 552 yds
    17. Pebble Beach #6 - 518 yds
    18. PGA #10 - 542 yds

    Longest Par 3's (4,274 Yards; 2138/2136)

    1. Chambers #17 - 223 yds
    2. Pinehurst #6 - 224 yds
    3. PGA #7 - 224 yds
    4. Merion #17 - 239 yds
    5. George #3 - 239 yds
    6. Olympic #3 - 248 yds
    7. Kiawah #14 - 231 yds
    8. Oakmont #8 - 285 yds
    9. Torrey Pines #16 - 225 yds
    10. Oakmont #16 - 223 yds
    11. Erin Hills #6 - 225 yds
    12. Congressional #2 - 225 yds
    13. George #11 - 241 yds
    14. Merion #9 - 241 yds
    15. Wolf Creek #8 - 248 yds
    16. Chambers #15 - 232 yds
    17. Merion #3 - 256 yds
    18. Kiawah #17 - 245 yds

    Longest Par 4's (9,467 Yards; 4733/4734)

    1. Chambers #15 - 544 yds
    2. Bethpage #10 - 508 yds
    3. Pinehurst #4 - 565 yds
    4. Erin Hills #17 - 523 yds
    5. Chambers #6 - 510 yds
    6. Congressional #11 - 507 yds
    7. Olympic #1 - 533 yds
    8. Torrey Pines #15 - 513 yds
    9. Chambers #11 - 530 yds
    10. Andrews #17 - 515 yds
    11. Chambers #13 - 522 yds
    12. Erin Hills #8 - 512 yds
    13. Congressional #18 - 520 yds
    14. Bethpage #7 - 525 yds
    15. Pinehurst #16 - 533 yds
    16. Chambers #1 - 560 yds
    17. Merion #18 - 523 yds
    18. Erin Hills #10 - 524 yds

    Longest Par 5's (11,079 Yards; 5544/5535)

    1. Torrey Pines #9 - 610 yds
    2. Pinehurst #10 - 620 yds
    3. Erin Hills #7 - 613 yds
    4. Congressional #9 - 633 yds
    5. Oakmont #12 - 632 yds
    6. Chambers #18 - 584 yds
    7. Kiawah #16 - 599 yds
    8. Erin Hills #14 - 648 yds
    9. Bethpage #13 - 605 yds
    10. Andrews #14 - 591 yds
    11. Oakmont #4 - 609 yds
    12. Erin Hills #18 - 663 yds
    13. Torrey Pines #13 - 617 yds
    14. Pinehurst #5 - 580 yds
    15. Olympic #16 - 670 yds
    16. Chambers #8 - 591 yds
    17. Pebble Beach #14 - 585 yds
    18. Erin Hills #1 - 629 yds

    These two Custom Courses have two Par 3's & two Par 5's on both Front & Back 9.

    Shortest Par 72 (5,689 Yards; 2835/2854)

    1. Wolf Creek #18 - 306 yds
    2. Pebble Beach #2 - 509 yds
    3. Olympic #15 - 149 yds
    4. Chambers #12 - 293 yds
    5. Andrews #9 - 347 yds
    6. PGA #6 - 477 yds
    7. Pebble Beach #7 - 109 yds
    8. Olympic #18 - 344 yds
    9. Wolf Creek #13 - 301 yds
    10. Andrews #12 - 339 yds
    11. Merion #4 - 500 yds
    12. Wolf Creek #15 - 130 yds
    13. Oakmont #17 - 299 yds
    14. Olympic #7  - 288 yds
    15. Wolf Creek #5 - 490 yds
    16. Merion #13 - 134 yds
    17. Wolf Creek #7 - 340 yds
    18. Pebble Beach #4 - 334 yds

    Longest Par 72 (9,013 Yards; 4504/4507)

    1. Erin Hills #10 - 524 yds
    2. Congressional #9 - 633 yds
    3. Olympic #3 - 248 yds
    4. Chambers #11 - 530 yds
    5. Merion #18 - 523 yds
    6. Erin #18 - 663 yds
    7. Oakmont #8 - 285 yds
    8. Pinehurst #4 - 565 yds
    9. Olympic #1 - 533 yds
    10. Bethpage #7 - 525 yds
    11. Erin Hills #14 - 648 yds
    12. Wolf Creek #8 - 248 yds
    13. Chambers #14 - 544 yds
    14. Pinehurst #16 - 533 yds
    15. Olympic #16 - 670 yds
    16. Merion #3 - 256 yds
    17. Chambers #1 - 560 yds
    18. Erin #17 - 523 yds

    Have fun playing them. The Longest Par 3's is challenging.

  • rzoop
    17 Posts
    Thu, Aug 24 2023 5:48 AM


    Thanks for creating and sharing these courses. I will definately utilize these when creating tourney's.