Hello everybody
Firstly I would like
to thank all the people who post so great tips on this forum. It
helps me
(and others) a lot.
As hack and amateur
I have had very good results thanks to the luck of the beginners
Then I was promote
at Pro tier and I had trouble with GIR. And when I hit level 50 I go
to Pro
Tour and I had difficulty with putting also. But it is the
same fun to make approach putt to
save par (or « save »
boggey) than to make birdy.
golf. Isn’t it !
Six months and I
can’t ding a shot(maybe 1/20). So I try to choose the good side of
« missding »(wind or slope) and it works (when I get
it right).
What can I say to
other rookies ? Don’t touch the backspin, the ball will land
shorter but rolls
almost the same and your shot will have more
deviation if you don’t ding (like me). Maybe
take some notes here
and there.
My goal for the rest
of the year is to try to reach even on the difficult courses and
under par
on the others. I hope to be close to it because I miss many
putts by 1 inch or less! And
always be happy when I am in the
leaderboard (even for 1 crédit) and also when I am not
because I
have a very good time playing golf.
Ok I am too long
like my pitch shots ; so thank you for reading and sorry for my english ....
I am french !!!