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decliners for a round

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jul 2 2021 11:59 AM (0 replies)
  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Fri, Jul 2 2021 11:59 AM

    I do not know why there are so many players that join a created round wait a few seconds then decline it..then 5 seconds later try and rejoin it again only to decline it again..I mean it is only a golf round and it's not like I am asking for a cash loan or something if you join the round  then stay and play or at least wait till the timer runs out..I will  let pretty much any player play in my rounds less they are loud mouth idiots and ones that take this fun game way way to seriously..and many are on here that do that.. there are so many that decline that now they only get one shot at joining any round I create and if they decline it is not a glitch that declined them is all on them and if they decline once on me I will not let them back in again to do the same all  over  and  like I stated if you join the round stay in it till it is either full or if the timer times out have a nice day and hope to see ya on the great course's on here