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Games taken by some way way to serious

rated by 0 users
Wed, Aug 18 2021 1:24 PM (0 replies)
  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Wed, Aug 18 2021 1:24 PM

    It is really sad the amount of Quitters that are on this site and do not play this game for the fun it offers,they play it and take it as a real round and some think  they should never have a bad shot as they are so conceded and think they are way better then they are and will quit even if they do not like a pairing setup in an alternate shot match as they depend way to much on hoping their partner can bail them out of any Jam and god forbid that if they if they or have a bad shot... they will just up and quit..and some mostly legends and champions will quit as well just to save their precious average..well to heck with the dam average it is only a game for crying out loud..and even in an alternate shot format a bad round can be turned around very quickly to be a good round that only a couple hole's earlier looked bleak..for one team or the other but some just cannot fathom maybe loosing to a video game..and it is so sad they have that pin head mindset..if you are going to join the round then stay and play it weather you play good or one I think cares how you play but you will always be remembered if you quit rounds or matches over and over and over

    you will not win any round if the focus is not there on your shots..But to some that focus is never there but the quitting mindset always is and if they have a bad shot it is always someone else's fault never theirs...Most times they blame the programmers of the game.. but the bad shot is on that player.. always.. not on anyone else and especially not on the programmers..but they will never admit that to themselves as.. once a quitter.. always a quitter, So they will just up and quit..I like to win rounds in any format I play same as any other player and there are many good players on here that do not quit rounds and will play the round out weather they play good or bad and if the focus is there all will play good.. and if I have it..(focus) I will win or at least contend in every round I play. if the focus is there..but if I do not contend or win So be it..that's golf..I do not up and quit like so many others do on me the Saddest part of  this great game site is the.. moron.. Quitters.. on it...and some sort of penalty should be imposed on them ..even tho it is only a game and not mean nothing but to some it is a life and death thing..and they have only one at all costs or up and quit..I would love to see that the same player that say quits three times in succession he or she should get a 3 stroke penalty when they start their next round would stop a lot from quitting and for them to to focus more on having fun instead of thinking... winning is everything...because it is not