The whole ownership role is a new thing for me so i'm looking for some help & guidelines from fellow players/owners
How do i see if someone has requested membership to my club?
Hi Mike,
If someone has requested membership, you will see a purple dot on your main screen next to COUNTRY CLUBS:
Once you click COUNTRY CLUBS, you will see a red dot next to CLUB REQUESTS:
Click CLUB REQUESTS to see the request and accept or decline it.
HAMILTONH2O: How do i do a recruitment drive for interested WGT players?
The best way to recruit is to make a recruiting post here in Country Club Corner. Use your post to tell players about your club and what your goals, philosophies, and expectations are. The bullet items you put in your post above would be a great start.
Some club owners approach other players who are members of other clubs, trying to "poach" players from those clubs. Or they get other players in their club to do it. (I won't mention any names, but they know who they are.) Although there's nothing prohibiting them from doing that, that's generally frowned upon here in WGT, unless the player being recruited is a member of an inactive club.
Good luck with your club!