Usually you see clubs coming in here with their own particular sets of requirements.....discourse, must play this, must do that, cant quit games etc.
This is the opposite......I have never joined a club because i have not found one yet that meets what i am looking here is who i am as a player......
I play lots
I play coin
I play one on one
I play some bracket
I play mobile only
I dont do discourse
I dont do chat too much because of the challenges on the phone - i will be polite and say gg etc
I dont add friends (likely because i dont get to know anyone because i dont chat)
I come onto my phone in between meetings at work, and i want to just knock off a quick game or two
I sometimes do quit.....not usually rage quit, (although having made legend and seeing a 5 foot putt roll out 30 feet makes it very tempting) but if i do quit its because life is calling and i have to run
Most of the games i play with others are of the quick variety 1-3 holes because i cant usually get enough time to do a 9 holer. I can do 9 by myself because if life interrupts, i can then go back to it
I am not anti fact if there are forums etc, i would likely play a role....but i am anti social when it comes to the game for either the difficult chat reason, or that i cant add that kind of time to a playing interaction. If i can interact on my own time and schedule, i am quite social - thats why a forum works well for me
So i dont know if am ready to join a club, but if anyone thinks their club fits within the criteria above, I would consider for sure.