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Re: The Day The Music Died...

rated by 0 users
Mon, Nov 8 2021 11:40 PM (7 replies)
  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Nov 6 2021 9:41 AM


    I started to really play this game when COVID first shut things down. Primarily, I played alone having had some awkward experiences (mildly put) when simply joining a game. Eventually, I let some people in and accepted friend invites. All my friends (I keep a fairly short list) are good people, always polite and I enjoy their company. As a result, I played more, surfed the WGT forums and basically used WGT as my social network.

    Eventually, things got even better, I was more comfortable joining random games and playing in the coin rooms. If I encountered disgusting behavior, or people, I would either leave the game, or beat the pants off them. Sometimes, I had to send a screen shot to WGT which, on a few occasions, resulted in the suspension of the offending member(s). I did not accept gifts, nor ask for them (except for a few occasions as a joke in a few forums post, or when I asked for a gift from the WGT Santa’s) as gifts sometimes come with "strings".

    As time went on, I played even more, chatted way too much during games with my friends, messages back and forth, etc... I started to be more active in these Community forums, it was fun and, often, I would find myself laughing out loud or I would smile so much, my cheeks would hurt...

    I helped a good friend form a club, we grew it together until one day he was just up and nothing, just "POOF".

    now....things are different.

    I am a recruit in a club I help start and was a director from the get's a long story in which I quit by accident and rejoined after our Owner went AWOL and did not provide for any transfer of ownership. So...Can't create tournaments, send invites, use super passes, etc...

    But worse...when the day the music died....

    Can't say anything on chat with the new moderator bots. My friends would attest, I do not use profanity or do anything that should get a *********.  In any event, my chat is constantly censored with the ***** or an error message if chat too long which requires deleting the message before trying to send in order to return to game.

    As for forum post, I have been in moderation forever. Again, none of my post to threads have offensive language or improper undertones...I have sent request to be removed. It often takes anywhere from 24 hours -3 days for some of my replies to appear (which makes it tough to send xmas request to Santa). Oftentimes, they do not appear at all.

    At the same time, I have seen members with clearly improper profile pictures, use of foul and suggestive language, going unchecked. Just the other day, a player dropped the "f" bomb, it was uncensored. When I replied how can you say that word (repeating it) and not get censored, my reply was censored. I took a screen shot that clearly shows his use of the word and my reply with the same word but it was *****.  I have seen many post in the WGT forums from members that would otherwise result in censorship but, I assume because they are not in eternal moderation, or otherwise "special", there is no problem.

    Just today, when I tried to change my profile pic to one with my Pomchi (Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix) wearing a sombero, my picture was “flagged for review”…seriously!!!!

    What happened to the fun, the laughter, the smiling, the ability to exercise free speech?

    At this point, all WGT is now is just another online game of which there are many others to choose from. I will say one thing, but not for a few members, the other day, that got me all charged up about finding hidden things, and the friends I have, I do not think this game would be fun at all. At least in NHL, I can punch someone.

    I do not know if this thread will even be posted but, at least, someone at WGT will read it before they decide it is not PC but I just had to vent.... Should this be posted, NO REPLIES ARE NECESSARY


    FYI. I prepared this on 11/6/2021 @ 12:41 am EST.


  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sat, Nov 6 2021 10:10 AM

    Wouldn't you know it, literally, within 15 minute of sending my initial post (above) and deleting my request to be removed from moderation from WGTChampion and WGTIcon's pages, changing my profile pic to the CENSORED stamp and generally feeling foolishly sorry for myself, my post went through as well as some my post I sent yesterday afternoon.

    I so hope this means I have been removed from moderation, too soon to tell. If this is the case, I will be uber careful to insure I give no cause to be placed back in solitaire but, should I slip, a warning would be appreciated before banishment.

    Now, it is off to look for those elusive signs on Chamber 4 and 5 (having found 5 others already, with a little help (ok a lot) from some good peeps.

    I am feeling a little better now, thanks for you concern.

  • pmm711
    5,641 Posts
    Sat, Nov 6 2021 10:37 PM

    Looks like you’re no longer being moderated.

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Sun, Nov 7 2021 1:35 AM

    Starting at the end:

    FYI. I prepared this on 11/6/2021 @ 12:41 am EST.
    Your posting time stamp shows even after days of moderation delay, setting posts between past posts in the threads. The best proof against moderation is that you see it in the forum within one minute of posting.

    My two Pfennig on other subjects:

    - about awkward situations: Anything can happen here, they may have been caused by your female portrait profile pic which might have pulled some guys' brains below their belts :(
    I confess that I thought for a moment, "Is she a woman, or is he a G.I.R.L.?"
    (riddle unsolved but of no importance)

    - Without an acting owner, I'd deem your CC dead even if you don't know it yet. There are too many things that only the owner can do. Your position as a Recruit is uncomfortable at least.

    You might consider to take action together with your friends in the CC and join another one, or even create your own.

    - Moderation in the forum is, ehm, "less than perfect". Despite of deleting the odd thread and blocking players (I've been in moderation once), they scarely act (openly), and I've seen "moderated" newbie posts with improper contents. Yours is just fine.

    Hope your recent effort was successful, and you can stay here, having fun!

    I'm Paul - friend request sent.


  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sun, Nov 7 2021 1:30 PM

    Your posting time stamp shows even after days of moderation delay, setting posts between past posts in the threads.

    Exactly!!! My second post, which appears above, was not posted until after PMM and yours appeared....way after, it just showed up a little while ago and it is 11/7 (4:28pm EST).

    By the time my replies showup in threads, they are often buried in prior pages or no longer relevant as they appear to be repeating what somelse posted after me which appeare before mine.

    It is to the point that I am now resorting to replying to threads before they started so they show up timely.

  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Sun, Nov 7 2021 6:34 PM

    test to see if off moderation...

  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Mon, Nov 8 2021 10:32 AM

    Most definately not...

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Mon, Nov 8 2021 11:40 PM

    (Moderation woes acknowledged)

    It is to the point that I am now resorting to replying to threads before they started so they show up timely.

    With such skills, you shoud head to NYSE!