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Re: Forum post maximum 1300 pages .

rated by 0 users
Tue, Dec 7 2021 2:37 AM (2 replies)
  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Mon, Dec 6 2021 11:39 AM

    What happened to who will have the last word .

    Hey Craig,
    I would need to look into this further, but it seems to have stopped at 1,300 pages. My best guess would be that forum posts can only handle so many messages and that a part 2 thread would have to be started.
    Have a great day,
    WGT Member Services

  • Luciano18
    317 Posts
    Mon, Dec 6 2021 6:35 PM

    So, I guess that means you broke it !! LOL

    I guess now we know how long a thread will go 

    Question - did YOU have the Last Word ??

    I suppose we may never know since it is gone 

    You do post mostly with humour, Craig

    Brings a smile - which we all can use 


  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Tue, Dec 7 2021 2:37 AM

    yes .

    i did have the last word .